wish - » xiumin imagine «

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you as miyoung

> note that everything i write here is fictional.


winter was approaching and xiumin was very excited to see the first snow fall and writing on the locks. it is when a person will write a wish on a lock, once that wish was magically granted, you will have to unlock it with the given key. above the skies, a certain angel was sitting on a top building with her angel notebook, brown wavy hair and milky white skin. not a single human could see her, atleast she thought.

xiumin was walking around the streets nearby with luhan, looking at shops and the area while drinking coffee. miyoung (angel) was looking around aswell and spotted a beautiful flower garden, little did she know, someone was going the same way.

miyoung smiled at the pretty flower bed with white flowers. xiumin watched her from a distance with a small smile across his face, she looks beautiful, he thought. xiumin soon built up the courage to approach her and get to know her but as he was walking towards miyoung, her angel notebook was glowing in light blue and white sparkles. miyoung slightly gasped and opened the notebook, "i must go now, someone is in trouble." she muttered. miyoung snapped her fingers and dissapeared in thin air, leaving xiumin curious about her.

he sighed and shoved his hands into his pockets, xiumin walked and walked until he stopped at a building with a scene that was terrible. a teenage girl was crying and was on the top of the building, getting ready to fall off. she was shouting, "why do i have to be like this?!" the girl jumped down the tall building as xiumin was there standing frozen. he glanced to his right to see the girl that was in the flower garden, she frowned and teleported down. miyoung opened the notebook and muttered a few words till the notebook sparkled with light blue lights and snow glitter.

xiumin couldn't believe what he was seeing right before his eyes, miyoung continued as the teenage girl's spirit was taken out of her body and another angel guided her to the skies. miyoung smiled and waved at them then turned to see xiumin staring at her, miyoung's eyes widened and again, teleported to him.

"what are you doing? can you see me?" miyoung asked xiumin.

"uhh, i-i was j-just. umm, yeah, i can see you. i g-guess." he stuttered.

"follow me..." miyoung said to him and gestured to go with her.

once they sit together, miyoung spoke first, "hello, i am miyoung. i'm an angel in charge of the humans that are planning to stay alive or choose death."

xiumin was amazed to find such people actually exist above the world, "that's amazing, i'm xiumin."

he was about to shake hands with miyoung but instead, his hand went through her arm and soon remembered a human cannot touch angels.

miyoung turned to see her senior glaring at her, she slightly gasped and said, "excuse me, i must go now, but i hope to meet you again."


it was the first day of winter, xiumin hasn't seen miyoung in an entire month and has been wondering what had happened to the angel. as miyoung was in a situation during this entire time, after the day she met xiumin, her duties as an angel decreased and soon she was no longer an angel. she was formed as a human and learned how to live and fit in with the crowd.

xiumin was sitting at the dorm, planning on what to do since each member did individual activities today. he was sipping on his coffee as he watched tv and relaxed. xiumin sighed and slipped his shoes in to take a walk.

once he stepped out, it was quite cold, more colder than before and he sure liked it. xiumin walked for about forty-five minutes then immediantly stopped when he felt the first snow drop. he smiled brightly. xiumin approached the stall where they sold locks and keys to match. he bought a singular one and thanked the person. he got a marker from his pockets and wrote on the lock, it said: "i wish to meet my dear angel miyoung again, some day, i want to confess to her and i hope she'll accept me. xo minseok"

xiumin was about to lock it on the area where many other people had locked theirs but suddenly, a girl bumped into him. he helped the girl up to see a familiar face, "m-miyoung?"

she smiled sweetly at him, glad he remembered her though they met a month back, "hello xiumin, yes, it's miyoung. why don't we catch up? i have to tell you what happened."

"b-but, w-why aren't you an angel anymore?"

miyoung chuckled lightly, "i'll tell you on the way to the coffee shop,"

he smiled aswell and nodded, xiumin looked at the lock and kept it in his pocket along with it's key muttering the words, "thank you for granting my wish."


> a/n; thanks for reading ^^ i hope this was good enough, i've been trying to improve my writing skils. also, tysfm for like 19k+ reads! it's really amazing that i achieved that much! also, im mostly online at ig nowadays, so follow me!

ig accounts;

snsd - shidaevocals
kpop - yehet.deer
personal - andiiyahx

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