Dinner { Sehun - Jealousy & Cute }

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[ Y/N/N = your nick name.]


Y/N is out with exo today and wanted to go to the new restaurant in the mall. Sehun didn't want to but Y/N said that they were serving bubble tea. Of course, he would agree.

Sehun and Y/N have been secretly dating and Y/N/N is actually Sehun's nickname for her. Even exo doesn't know that they're dating.

Kai quickly took the left seat next to YN while Sehun took the right, at first Sehun didn't mind him there but when Kai just casually put his arm around her shoulders he was furious.

Y/N didn't mind, she just thought it was friendly. The drinks got served and Y/N drank from her straw while Kai was staring at her, She pointed at her drink asking him if he wanted some and he nodded like a little kid on Christmas Eve.

She giggled at Kai, "Cute!" And let him drink from her straw.

By this time Sehun was really mad, so he took Y/N's hand and placed it on his lap.

"Y/N and I are dating." He randomly blurted out, making Y/N's eyes widen and his hyungs spit their drinks on each other's faces.

exo bombarded Y/N with questions, asking if what he just said was true. She sighed heavily and them growing silent.

"Yes, me and Sehun are dating." She said truthfully.

He smiled widely and kissed Y/N on the lips.

The exo memberes groaned. "We're still here!"

She giggled while Sehun was still smiling proudly.

"sweethearts" - exo preferencesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt