Adrianna appeared near Charlene with a loud POP! She was clutching the amulet that was still around her neck. She was still sobbing. Charlene turns around in shock. "Adrianna! What are you doing here? Why are you crying?" she asked, panicked. Adrianna tried to answer but she couldn't through her sobs. She just went up to Charlene and hugged her, still clutching onto the amulet. Charlene consoles Adrianna, kisses her forehead and takes out her phone. "I can call Shane or Tina if you want," she says. She gave a small nod, trying to calm down. She finally stopped holding onto the amulet so tightly, took it off and put it in her pocket. Charlene calls Tina and puts her on speaker. "Uh, Tina? Adrianna just appeared next to me out of nowhere. I don't know how it happened, but she's crying. Do you think you could come over and help?" "Sorry, Char. I'm a bit more busy than usual. Restaurant's packed today," Tina answers. "But I know that Shane's available. He's taking today off from his Soul Realm business and just relaxing." "Okay, Ti. See you later," says Charlene. She hangs up. Adrianna finally stopped crying so hard and was able to mutter, "Can I talk to Shane please?" Charlene calls Shane and hands the phone to Adrianna. "He always answers when it's me calling," she says. "Sh-Sh-Shane... It's me, Adrianna..." Adrianna stuttered when he picked up.  "Are you alright?" Shane asks. "What's wrong?" "Mama and papa are angry at me..." she started to cry harder.  "Why? What happened?" Shane's voice is stern. "I was still grounded... they wouldn't let me go to the performance," Adrianna explained and then paused. "I ran away..." Shane sighs. "Adrianna, you shouldn't have run away," he says calmly. "They only want to keep you safe. Don't worry, I'll take you back before the performance is over so they don't find out, but I'm a little disappointed in you. I know you know better. Can you put me on speaker?" Adrianna put him on speaker. "They already know, the performance was canceled and all the Court is looking for me. I don't want to go back to Paris. Don't make me go back!" Charlene places a hard on Adrianna's shoulder. "Adrianna, they're worried about you. I know that you don't want to get into trouble, but I'm afraid that it can't be avoided. They're only looking out for you," she says, reassuring. "Yeah, I'm not as strict as they are, but there are some things that you shouldn't do, especially make your parents worry about you. That's worse than any kind of danger," says Shane. Adrianna backed away some. "I'm not going back. I only came here because the amulet can't take me random places..."  Shane shouts, "Amulet? What amulet?" Adrianna flinched back, holding in a cry. "It was my old mama's. She is a collector. It can take you to anyone you want. As long as you know them..." She clutched the amulet in her pocket, protectively. Charlene looks at the amulet. "It's certainly pretty," she says. "I need to check that amulet out," says Shane. Adrianna immediately took more steps back, "Don't touch it!" she screamed clutching it tighter. Charlene jerks back. "Is the amulet dangerous?" she asks. Adrianna shook her head. "My old papa took it once, I won't let anyone take it again!" "You can trust us, Adrianna. We're just gonna take a look at it and see what gives it its power. We'll give it right back to you, we promise," says Shane.  Adrianna shook her head more fiercely. "No, I am not giving it to anyone!"  Charlene sighs. "Adrianna, you're making this difficult for us," she says.  "You sound like papa..." she muttered glancing away. "Adrianna, we're trying to be gentle, here," says Shane. "Okay, okay. Tell us what you want, and we'll do it for you." "I want to not go back to France and I want to keep the amulet," Adrianna said. Charlene smiles. "We can do that for you, Adrianna," she says. "Yeah. I think I can do some research on magic amulets, anyway," says Shane. "What are you going to say if mama or papa calls then?" Adrianna asked, loosening up her grip on the amulet. "I'm gonna head to Paris and search with them," says Shane. "Yeah, and I'll let you stay here until things die down," says Charlene. "No! Don't tell them I am here! They will come and get me!" Adrianna cried. "We won't tell them," says Charlene. "It's not like they can get here quickly, anyway." "And if they can, my shadow powers are much faster," says Shane. Adrianna bit her lip and looked away and slowly nodded to Charlene. "I get the feeling that Clara's gonna call soon," says Shane. "I'll be there in a bit." He hangs up.

Hellfire On The Other Sideजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें