chapter forty seven

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"Master, are you okaiy?" Gir asked softly. Zim was sitting on an Ather riverbank. The setting sun reflected in the pinkish water. Zim was sitting with his knees to his chest as he stared off, Gir was at his side trying to comfort him but nothing.

There was a slimy sound behind Zim and he turned around to address it. It was Blob.
"Gir can you translate please?" Zim asked tiredly.
"Sure thing sir!"

"It must feel reaaaal bad to know that the first person to show you kindness in a long time was sent to kill you."
Zim nodded.
"But yknow he never wanted to hurt you? See I, Blob, know lots of things."
Zim shrugged.
"Did you know that Skoodge, multiple times, pleaded with the Xoriks to leave you alone and out of the war so you wouldn't get hurt?"
"Wow... He does really care for me after all! And i care for him too... Even when we were smeets I felt weird around him, like uhh a good weird! I feel safe when I am with him and if I do something dumb he won't care! And recently i've been freaking out that i don't know who I really am, but around Skoodge i think I do know... I Cant believe i'm admitting all this..." Zim stood up and held Gir in his arms "I have to go find Skoodge and tell him how I feel! Come on Blob show me where he is!"

"Oh! Oh! Blobby said Skoodge is looking for chu!" Gir translated.
"Not if I find him first!" Zim races around Ather despite knowing nothing about this planet Zim what are you doing you gremlin jeeeez.

Skoodge was wandering aimlessly about, the Xorik streets were empty as everyone was celebrating the return of Tessa. Skoodge shuffled about waiting for Blob to return to say he found Zim and he wasn't dea- No, Blob would be back any second and everything would be OK!

"Do you think it rains on Ather Gir?" Skoodge heard A faint, familiar voice ask.
"Well these clouds look like they have rain!"
Skoodge followed the sound to see Zim holding Gir as he walked alongside Blob. He was alive and hadn't, yknow, walked off a cliff or something.

"Zim!" Skoodge yelled exasperated.
"S-skoodge?" Zim gasped. Skoodge ran right up to Zim and hugged him and Gir tightly.
"Zim i'm so sorry i never meant what I said-." Skoodge wailed.
"I know Skoodge, I know." Zim whispered, he pulled away from the hug and looked at Skoodge "There is something I want to say to you! I- i uhh... Well around you uhhh umm how can I say it..." Zim flustered, never telling someone his feelings like this before.

Then Gir leaped to the floor.
"OOH OOOH LEMME HELP!" Gir's eyes faded from blue to black and then projected a video from them. It was a clip of Zim saying how he felt about Skoodge. It ended when Zim said he was going to find Skoodge.

"Zim... That was so nice." Skoodge hugged Zim again but softer.
"T-thank you..."
"I feel the same way about you too... Zim, I love you." And then Skoodge kisses Zim,

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