Chapter twenty one

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A wire! A lucky find for Dib, the boy pulled the wire out of place and tased it, sending an electronic shock up the whole giant robots body. The machine trembled with electricity and in only a few moments it began to sizzle and smoke, the creation crumbled to the floor into a pile of trash.

"NO!" Skoodge held the now sleeping Zim in his arms bridal style and rushed up to the ruins of the robot they spent ages on. Skoodge stared at Dib furiously.
"You... YOU!" If the Xoriks actually came that robot would of been Skoodge's best bet on keeping his crush safe as his tallests couldn't care less about the tiny irken.
"Well, I just saved Earth, i'm amazing, goodbye." Dib smirked, staring at Skoodge smugly.
"From what?" Dib raised an eyebrow.
"THE XORIKS! Oh yeah... Did i mention if they do show up it's very likely they would blow up Urth? That robot was a defender. Nice going 'Defender of Urth." Skoodge spat at Dib.

"Oh god..." Dib mumbled to himself "What have i done?" Dib wished he had simply minded his own business. "Why did no one tell me to just drop it and leave Zim and Skoodge alone?" Dib whined. Then Gir tapped him on the shoulder.
"I think you should... Leave..." Gir suddenly looked at serious, they pushed Dib to the elevator, very subtle.


Skoodge placed the resting Zim onto the floor, very reminiscent of an earlier event. He tapped the call button on his tablet to contact the tallests. The screen then lit up with the tallests tired, sullen faces.
"What now Skoodge?" Red rolled his eyes.
"Is it good news?" Purple asked hopefully.
"Well... no. You see I believe me and Zim are at thre-"
"No good news? Then leave us alone!" Purple yelled, hanging up the call while Red looked mighty pissed at his partner for doing that.

"I can't believe it... The tallests truly don't care about us..." Skoodge knew it from when he conquered Blorch and barely got any recognition! He learnt he was defective from
them literally telling him that after his 3rd planet conquered. Skoodge was well aware Zim had no clue he was defective also, even more so then himself. But simply knowing his mission was fake did so much to him... What would knowing that he was permanently messed up do to him? Skoodge shuddered, hoping the Xoriks would grace their defective souls mercy...

The defects (ZaSr, Zim X Skoodge)Where stories live. Discover now