Chapter forty four

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"What?" Zim felt breath drain out of him "Kill me?"
"Yes and... I didn't want to do it!" Skoodge cried "The Tallest wanted you dead, not me." Skoodge clarified.
"Be honest Skoodge." Zim asked blankly "How many times did you consider going through with it..."
"...Once, or twice... Maybe."
"WHY?" Zim shrieked "What did I do wrong?"

"I only considered it because I thought maybe i'd be able to prove to the Tallest that I could be a real Invader but-."
"NO!" Zim cried out "No buts... You were the first and only Irken, no anyone, to care about me... I just don't know how to feel right now."
"Oh yeah?" Skoodge was getting slightly mad, he was trying so hard to explain himself and Zim wasn't listening "Do you even feel at all? You blocked out all your emotions like your trying to block out my reasoning. It's no wonder only one person cared about you."
"How dare you." Zim said blankly, tears rolling down both their cheeks, wait do Irkens even cry?

"I'm leaving." With Gir at his heels Zim walked away from the platform and just... Off. He realised he may of messed up a bit, maybe if he had listened to what Skoodge was trying to say? No, no matter what Zim would take a good thing and ruin it. He didn't deserve all the kindness Skoodge showed him... Maybe Skoodge should of killed him back on Urth because right now Zim would love nothing more then to cease to exist, not die, that would
hurt. But if he could just fade right out of existence then that would be fantastic...


Skoodge stood on the stage emptily. He tried to sniffle back tears. Luckily all the Xoriks were so distracted by the news about Kiera they hadn't noticed the Irkens fighting. He shot a glance at the Tallest and Jim who were laughing hysterically and Jim. Skoodge turned to the tallest, furious. He grabbed both of them
by the necks and stared at them both.
"You both should be grateful for the fact you're alive right now." He hissed.
"Why? Ya gonna kill us?" Purple smirked. Skoodge let them go and walked over to a corner of the stage.

He could understand Zim being so upset, learning the one Irken to respect you was sent to kill you must be a lot... Oh Irk, Skoodge remembered what he said to Zim... It replayed and echoed in his mind for what seemed like eternity. He messed things up, he had to make things right. He had to admit it, no matter how mad he was and is at Zim right now he still... Loved him, he always did. But Skoodge had to tell Zim, had to do it before Zim did something reckless and impulsive.

The defects (ZaSr, Zim X Skoodge)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum