Chapter thirty three

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Zim and Skoodge were roughly tossed into the dank prison cell. At least those tight handcuffs were taken off! Zim could finally feel his hands again! All there was in the prison cell was a singular bed, a table with one seat and a... Is that? No... No, no, yeah that's probably a toilet.

Skoodge sat down on the creaky mattress that seemed like a pathetic attempt to seem like a bed.
"You didn't have to do that y'know." He admitted. Zim rubbed his elbow.
"Well uhh... This is gonna sound wild but I did it to impress you!"
"I would never of known." Skoodge said softly.
"I am very good at being subtl- were you being sarcasm?"
"You do know you don't have to impress me right?"
"But I wannnaaa." Zim whined.

The little irken sat next to Skoodge.
"I also half did it because I didn't want to be alone, especially alone without you!" Zim cried. Ever since Skoodge showed up in his kitchen one day Zim had to admit he didn't hate him! His stomach felt tight and full of butterflies around him and Skoodge was just so nice and caring and didn't need to be impressed he just was! No one else had even really cared that much about him before... Zim realised he never hated Skoodge, he always liked him! Always thought he was so... Cool. He hadn't been so nice to Skoodge as a smeet, or... Ever really.

When Zim was around Skoodge he had always felt so weird but it was kinda nice? He didn't know what to do so he pushed Skoodge away! 'Skoodge doesn't deserve to be giving all his niceness to me!' he thought 'He's got to be pretending because no one will like me as I am. But who can I be then...'

Zim was hit with the sudden realisation he had no clue who he was anymore. He gave up any shred of himself to seem strong when he wasn't. He wasn't strong all the time but he forced himself to seem to be, putting everything aside. Who was Zim?

That question left Zim so distraught he simply collapsed into tears, Skoodge was caught off guard by Zim's outburst and pulled him into a hug.
"Why do you waste your kindness on Zim?" The smaller Irken mumbled through tears.
"Because... I like you Zim, I really do, okay?"

"Is... This a bad time?"

The defects (ZaSr, Zim X Skoodge)Where stories live. Discover now