Chapter two

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The irkens running around the armada were all panicked. Some were laying in a makeshift hospital bay, recovering from the injuries they received from the aliens who dubbed themselves the Xoriks. The Xoriks are slimy beasts with curled horns and 6 ruby red eyes decorating their moose like head. They have long white feathered wings that stretch out for 2 meters each wing. A truly terrifying sight especially for an Irken on the smaller side.

One of the injured Irkens was Skoodge. A short chubby Invader who, despite being defective, was a successful Invader. After invading his first planet Blorch and went on to defeat many more. The short Irken felt really disappointed that the Xoriks destroyed his planet before he could take it over but then again he was grateful that he escaped with his life, overs weren't as lucky...

Skoodge's antennae pricked when he heard two navigator Irken walking into the medical bay. They had minor injuries and burns from them attempting to make repairs to the massive and it blowing up in their faces. They were laughing to each over as they sat on the cold floor. Those with little injuries had to sit on the ground and wait for their paks to heal them while those with larger injuries were to wait on little benches to be patched up before waiting with the others.

"I'm glad we get to be in here instead of around the tallests!" One exclaimed cheerfully "They were reeeaaallllyyy pissed this time!"
"Oh? what happened?" The other said, she leaned in closer and her antenna twitched with curiosity.
"Apparently that wannabe invader... What was it? Zer? Xim? I forgot, well apparently she has refused to disguise her location by breaking anything that the Xoriks can use to track her like the rest of us! Her mission isn't even real!" The first Irken burst out into laughter and the second joined him.

Skoodge sat uncomfortably on his bench. He knew they were referring to Zim, the smallest Irken out there. His adventures with her were never that great but Skoodge admitted he had a massive crush on her. Her confidence and loyalty was always something he admired. Then it hit him, was Zim possibly in danger? Skoodge hasn't spoken or interacted with Zim in a long while and for a while everyone thought she was dead but their only encounters were never good. Zim had consistantly abused Skoodge, using him. but Skoodge couldn't help but care for her.

Skoodge stood up, the bandages wrapped around his leg slipping slightly as he began to walk hurriedly toward the main chamber, where the tallests spent most of their time. Skoodge began to loose confidence with every step as the yelling of his terrifying Tallests grew louder. He shuffled forward and stepped inside.

Tallest Purple turned to Skoodge and raised a non existent eyebrow, he stared at him for a moment then turned to Red and smiled.
"Invader Skoodge, what is it that you want?" He asked with a fake cheeriness to his voice.
"I-i just overheard t-t-that there-there was trouble and i want-wanted to help..." Skoodge stammered, staring down at his shoes "But i'll just leave, sorry for waisting your t-"
"No! No Skoodge wait! You could be veeery useful!" Red grinned menacingly, catching onto Purple's plan.

Skoodge tilted his head.
"What could I do for you my Tallests?"
"Our problem is that Invader Zim has failed to hide his location from the Xoriks. Now, our plan for YOU is..."

The defects (ZaSr, Zim X Skoodge)Where stories live. Discover now