Chapter twelve

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Skoodge held the device in his shaking hands. He turned to Zim. He was asleep, resting on the side of a long strip of metal. Skoodge waited until Zim wasn't listening, like being asleep, to tell the tallests about his completion of phase one... But phase two... He had a boy who would probably reject him on the line with being an invader... Skoodge was to upset to think anymore about it. The invader stumbled up to the short Irken and leaned next to him and slept by his side.

When Zim awoke he found he was no longer sleeping on the scrap metal but instead on the couch, he winced when he saw the mangled Gir on the ground. Ignoring the fact he moved in his sleep he picked up Gir and tried to untangle their metal limbs. It was heart wrenching for Zim to see even though they was like, dead, Gir still had a smile on his face.

Zim felt tears run down his cheeks, he wished he never took that piece from Gir, he wished he never tied their arms and legs up and punched them in the head and stomped on their eye causing a huge crack in it. The irken held his SIR unit to his chest and cried onto them. He desperately tugged at the tied up limbs trying to untangle them.

"Here... Let me help..." A kind voice whispered. Zim looked up to see Skoodge, standing over him with a kind smile on his face. Zim shakily handed Gir to him. Invader Skoodge cradled the SIR unit in his arms and gently pulled them free. Then Skoodge's eyes lit up with an idea. He placed the empty robot on the floor and began to search through his Pak (Does Skoodge even have a pak? idk he does now cuz) Then after a few seconds of searching Skoodge pulled out a very familiar piece out.

"I have a few pieces from my original SIR unit, he got destroyed on Blorch and I scavenged some parts from it." Invader Skoodge held Gir gently and placed the piece gracefully into the SIR unit. After a few seconds Gir's eyes lit up a familiar blue colour.

"GIR!" Zim cried.
"MASTER!" Gir yelled cheerfully, jumping out of Skoodge's arms and snuggling into Zim's. Zim almost cried of happiness, he never realised how much he missed the stupid little robot. Gir didn't seem to remember Zim took a piece from them, and if they did they didn't care. They immediately began watching TV, instant enamoured by it.

Zim turned to Skoodge.
"T-thanks Skoodge, I-i-i tOTALLY could of done that myself but i... very much appre-appreciate your-your help..."
"I'm sure you could of but no problem." Skoodge knew Zim definitely couldn't of fixed Gir himself, especially not in his current state.
"Anyway, I thought you were uncomfortable sleeping on the metal so I moved you..." Skoodge grinned.

Then there was a beeping sound from the kitchen.
"What on Urth-" Zim raised a non existent eyebrow.
"Oh, I know we irkens don't have to eat, but it is nice, so I thought I would make breakfast for us!" Skoodge flushed, rubbing the back of his head nervously.
"Oh, well... I'm sure anything can be better then Girs cooking," Zim chuckled.
"Well come on!" The taller Irken grabbed Zim and pulled himself to his feet. "Let's go eat."

The defects (ZaSr, Zim X Skoodge)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें