Chapter thirty eight

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The blob lead Dib and Gaz father and father through a long, dark tunnel that smelled of rotting flesh and broken dreams. Dib and Gaz held hands as to not loose each other in the sea of despair that emanated from this place.

"Jskejsisksnssnej." Blob said as the tunnel broke away into a wide, circular clearing.
"Who is waiting for us?" Gaz asked the blob. The hairy blob gave a blobby gesture that could only be interpreted as 'snekisjekeenej' or in english 'Idk, i forgot.'

There was a flickering light that Dib and Gaz stepped into that revealed a huge marble throne facing away from the three with two long, elegant, golden wings draped over them. Tall, proud, curly horns poked out from the top, who they belonged to was a mystery. There was a rustling and Dib smelled an all too familiar smell... Irken.

He stepped forward, slipping away from Gazlene. He silently sniffed the Irken out. The smell was coming from behind the throne. Dib breathed in and wandered around to the front side of the throne.

Sitting atop the gracious throne was a tall Xorik. Her fleece was blue and sparkles in dim light. Her eyes were shut gently in a deep sleep. The robes she donned were high quality and brought out her beauty. But she was very skinny, bones poked out of and she looked dead. The only thing indicating she wasn't was the shallow rise and fall of her chest to show her breathing.

Laying in the Xoriks arms whoever, was an Irken. A light green one who wore the invaders uniform and their tall antennae curled off into a heart shape. And at the foot of the throne laid a SIR with bits and pieces of it missing. Half of its body broken off. It also seemed to of been painted gold over the red.

Gaz slipped over to join her brother and looked up in astonishment.
"She's prettier then my girlfriend." Gaz sighed.
"You have a-."
"No time for that now Dib!" She exclaimed, slapping him in the face.

The noise of the twos argument caused the Xorik to stir.
"Uh oh..." Gaz began but was quickly interrupted by Blob. Who blobbed over to the Xorik.
"TSGGSGGSHS!" They yelled up at her. The Irken in the Xoriks arms woke up, he looked down at blob and the two siblings then turned his attention back to the Xorik he was being held by and shook her gently.

"Weird, I thought Xoriks hated Irkens." Dib mumbled. Gaz shrugged.
"But why?" She turned to Dib "Blob might of brought us here because it's the clue that will help end the war between Irkens and Xoriks!"
"What war?" A soft, hoarse voice asked. Gaz and Dib turned to the once dormant Xorik. She was awake.

"What war?" The Xorik repeated, sterner now. Dib and Gaz took a step back in fear, the Xorik noticed and repositioned herself.
"I'm sorry, let's try this again. My name is Tessa, how can I help you two?"

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