Paul rolls his eyes.

PAUL:  Is that a serious question?

NIGEL:  What about the theory that Stephen King was the one who really killed John Lennon?

PAUL:  What? I've never heard that before. Who would even believe that?

Nigel laughs a zany laugh.

NIGEL (CONT'D):  Just checking to make sure you're not a loony. I can't stand nutters.

Paul casts him a look then goes back to his book.

Nigel looks around the room. None of the other patrons are reading books.

NIGEL (CONT'D):  So few novel enthusiasts these days. I'm actually writing an article right now 'bout how the popular novel has died as an art form.

Paul reluctantly takes an interest.

PAUL:  Let me guess. The internet killed it?

NIGEL:  Internet, shorter attention spans, smart-phones, you name it. It's a bloody disgrace.

April passes by their table.

APRIL:  (to Paul) Made a new friend?

PAUL:  I wouldn't say that.

APRIL:  You gentlemen need anything?

PAUL:  No, thank you.

Nigel answers her with a perfect American accent.

NIGEL:  Ma'am, I would definitely like some more Earl Gray Tea, if you don't mind.

APRIL:  Coming right up.

She exits.

Paul stares at Nigel in surprise.

NIGEL:  What?

PAUL:  Do you always randomly pretend to be American?

NIGEL:  Who says I'm pretending? Maybe this is my real accent and I just like to pretend to be a limey?

PAUL:  Why would you do that?

NIGEL:  In my line of work, it pays to be able to hide your true self.

PAUL:  Really? A book critic?

NIGEL:  Or maybe I just have a lot of gambling debts and I don't want people to find me.

He holds his bandaged hand up.

NIGEL (CONT'D):  They said they would take my thumbs but I cut one of them off before they had a chance. (grins) I showed them.

Nigel's grin turns to a mad smile.

Paul is speechless.

NIGEL (CONT'D):  You like the casinos?

PAUL:  Not really.

NIGEL:  I love them. Palaces of peccancy. They're so beautifully... human.

Paul eyes him curiously before speaking.

PAUL:  You're one of the strangest people I've ever met.

NIGEL:  A bit early to make such a grand assumption, I think. (smiles) Maybe not far off though.

They share a long silence before Nigel moves. He takes off his gold watch and places it on the table.

NIGEL (CONT'D):  Well, let's get to it then.

He starts a stopwatch counting down from ten minutes.

NIGEL (CONT'D):  You have ten minutes. Ten minutes to make a choice. After that, I'll be gone and it will be made for you.

Coffee: a Hitman Story (Screenplay)Where stories live. Discover now