Chapter Seven: Paul and George Rope Me Into Something Very Risky

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August 5, 1961

By the next day I almost could convince myself I'd forgotten the night before. Paul never said anything to me about it and John mostly ignored the topic as well, maybe mentioning it to me once or twice. It was almost as if it never happened, that it was merely a dream, but I knew it did. You don't have nauseating anxiety attacks in dreams. Either way, I didn't really care if they mentioned it or not. Truth was, I would have been happy to forget it.

I was stupid to think that John and I had somehow connected that night. I was stupid to think I would ever connect with anyone. I knew that deep down. It completely slipped my mind that he was even with someone, but when she showed up, everything had changed. I was sad that she had showed up. I think I wished I could have stayed longer, but ultimately, that's not how it played out. I stayed a while and then she showed up. Then, I had to sneak out so she wouldn't catch me. If she got so jealous that John couldn't even talk to other girls, maybe she wasn't good for him. It seemed that John deserved more than that, but what do I know? I'd known him only a week now.

"Earth to Donna." Paul waved a hand in front of my eyes.

I blinked and was pulled from my thoughts. "Yes?"

"Ye okay over there?"

"Yes?" I could almost feel my eyes dim and my shoulders slump.

George came and sat down, waving to a girl as she walked away. Paul raised his eyebrows. "Who's that, Geo?"

"Her name's Mary." He smiled widely. "She's very nice."

I smirked. "Ye been out with her yet?"

He shook his head. "I'm not sure what I could take her to do. I just want it to be nice, y'know?"

"Take her out to eat or something. Or maybe try the movies. Girls like that sorta stuff," answered Paul.

"I'm sure you'd know," replied George.

Paul shrugged and leaned back against the school building. He thought a moment. "Do you two really want to go back to class?"

I shrugged. "Not really, but we kinda have to."

He waved his hand and shook his head. "What if we skipped?" He saw my doubtful look. "Oh, just give it a shot," he whined.

"Where would we go? Someone will catch us." I came up with every excuse I could think of.

George shrugged. "We could ask John meet us somewhere. He's pretty good at not being caught. He used to ditch school a lot."

"I really don't think we should." I fought to not let my anxiety take hold of me.

Paul rolled his eyes. "Just this once?"

"If I get in trouble, it's all your fault."

He rolled his eyes again. "You'll be fine."

From across the courtyard, I saw Emily glance at me. I'd seen her around lately and I could almost feel her reading my mind when I thought about John. I tried to avoid her, but when I happened upon her (which was rarely), I was always as nice and unsuspicious as I could possibly manage. I pretended I hadn't ended up in her boyfriend's house at 10:00 at night because that doesn't help gain her liking, does it? Either way, she scared me half to death.

"Donna, stand up." I jerked out of another trance and looked at George and Paul, standing above me, looking down awkwardly. I stood.

"You won't snap and rat us out, will you?" asked George sarcastically.

I shook my head. "I just can't stay focused, I guess." I laughed.

"You can say that again," George replied, smiling. "C'mon, lets go."

"You're sure they won't catch us?"

"I'm sure," Paul replied and he had to practically drag me out of the gates.

"Where are we gonna go?"

"To John's."

"But his aunt—," I steadied my voice. "Won't she catch us?"

"Neh, Mimi's always out around this time."

I nodded, unsure.

"Oh, loosen up," said George. "It's only one day."

"And I have a feeling that'll turn into a few," I mumbled.

Paul rolled his eyes. "You're full of it."

"Am not."

He started leading us back to John's and I had a thought that sent shudders through me.

John's my neighbor. What if I'm seen?

Brian's not home, I told myself, desperately trying to believe it. It was true, he wasn't. He worked at a record shop down the road during the day and was often home by eight every night.

"Donna, keep up," said George. "Are you okay?"

"Yes," I replied, breathing forcibly, but evenly.

We finally made it to John's house. The whole way there, it felt like I was being watched by everyone.

Paul knocked on John's door and waited, slumping against the wall. John came to the door a moment later. He was wearing glasses and pajama pants. He looked at us all skeptically. His eyes landed on me immediately.

"Goody-two-shoes is with ye." He grinned amusedly, leaning against the doorframe.

"And she doesn't feel good about it," I replied, looking around uncomfortably.

He grinned. "Come on in, castaways." He moved aside.

We stepped in and I was the last. He led us back up the stairs.

"So, lads, get this." John had a mischievous glint in his eyes as he said it.

George smiled. "What?" he asked eagerly with the look of a child on Christmas morning.

"Hamburg. We've got the chance to go. If you two want to," he said, unable to hide his smile.

Paul and George whooped and hollered, a beam plastered on their faces. I was just confused.

John noticed and smiled warmly. "We've been waiting to get a big gig somewhere other than the Cavern lately. Hamburg could finally give us that," he explained.

I nodded, then smiled. "Well, congratulations."

"Thanks, love." He looked me up and down. I shifted in my seat under his gaze. "You don't skip school ever, do you?" he then asked, suddenly, with a steady, amused smile.

I felt my face go hot. "I've never been in a public school," I admitted.

He nodded. "I can tell."

"Where would we be playing, John?" asked George, skirting an awkward silence.

I looked down, frustratedly contemplating John's terribly mixed signs.

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