Chapter 35: Taylor

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Taylor looked into the pitch black abyss that suddenly appeared behind Fey. Her eyes seemed to shine as she grinned in a way she never would have before.

"Fey, please!" Taylor called, feeling the all too familiar sensation of tears running down her cheeks. "How is it possible that she had something like this inside of her. Did she know about this before or?..." Taylor considered, looking up from the ground. Her eyes seemed to have wondered there while she was in her daze.

"Come back to us Fey, please!" Kira called. Taylor looked at Fey to see that her eyes were shifting, the colors mixing in a way that never seemed possible before. She was fighting back.

"We can bring her back, just call out. She must be trying to follow our voices," Taylor shouted in realization. Suddenly the world seemed to turn black, all except for a figure lying on the ground


"Is that you, Fey?" Taylor asked, slowly approaching the girl on the floor.

"Tay... lor?" Fey replied, trying to lift her head.

"Just stay there, I'll come to you, alright?" Taylor asked.

"But if you... come... she will... trap you, like she... did me..." Fey said, the words seeming to catch in her throat. Taylor began stepping forward again when an ear splitting scream erupted from Fey's form. Tears began spilling from her eyes and her hands went to her ears.

"What's going on? What can I do to help?" Taylor exclaimed, rushing over to Fey's side and bringing her head into her lap.

"No... you need... to leave... now, before she-"

"I'll be fine, but do you know how to get out of here?"

"The light... voices..." Fey breathed, her eyes slowly closing.

"Hang on! I'll get you out of here!" Taylor shouted. Fey seemed to want to say something, but before she could, voices began shouting from behind Taylor.

"Fey, come back to us!"

"You can do it!"

"It isn't that simple..."

"Or so you may think!"

"She can do it, I know she can!"

"Kira... Hannah..." Taylor said, grabbing Fey and walking in the direction of the voices.

"She seems so much lighter than normal, but that may be because of where we are, her mind?" Taylor thought as she walked further along, until the world once again filled with light.


"What's happening?!?" the queen shouted, light almost consuming her as she tried to block her eyes. Taylor tried to look into the blinding wall of light, but her efforts proved fruitless.

"What is Fey doing?" Hannah asked, now somehow with her and Kira. A moment later, a figure stepped out of the light and Taylor felt like she needed to pinch herself, just to make sure she wasn't dreaming. Fey seemed to have wings on her back, white and filled with feathers. A rush of wind wrapped around them as the wings began beating, helping their friend lift off the ground. The queen began crawling toward the portal, an inhuman expression of fear leaving an aura in her wake. Once she had made it through, Fey began slowly descending, her breaths becoming labored. Taylor ran over to her, knowing the other two would follow.

"What was that, Fey? Who are you really?"

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