Chapter 13: Fey

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Fey looked around at the village they had come across on the inside. The buildings seemed to match what she was used to in her home village, but the people looked and acted very differantly. They all used a weird type of magic, which Fey had never seen before.

"Come join me in my humble abode, we can answer all of your questions there..." the woman said, turning her head ever so slightly to face the girls.

"You can help us?" Kira asked, looking at the woman in shock.

"Why yes, little one..." the woman replied, turning around and rubbing Kira's head affecinatly. She stopped at one of the largest houses, opening the door and gesturing for them to enter. Kira took the lead, bringing the girls a reason to enter. 

"Hannah, how did you find-?" Taylor asked, entering right before Fey.

"What's your name, Miss?" Fey interrupted.

"My name is Celeste," she said, sitting at a table in the middle of the room they stood in. "Now come, take a seat..." 

"So, can you tell us the full story?" Fey asked, looking at the woman who had brought them here.

"It might take a while, but I will try and answer any questions you may have, alright?" The woman said, taking a deep breath.

"What do you want to hear first...?"

Sorry for another short chapter, but I didn't have time for much else... My next chapter will be longer, so get excited! See you all next week.

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