Chapter 8: Hannah

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"Well, the best place to start is the beginning..." Taylor said, sitting down on the branch they both occupied. 

"Something tells me this is going to be a while..." Hannah thought as she sat down.

"It all started many years ago, centuries even, when the queen of this land took the throne. Before her appearance, there had been two different ceremonies that children our age could choose to take part in, the light infusion and dark infusion. The difference between them was a specialty in magic. The ones infused with light were given the powers of healing and knowlage. Those who chose darkness were given extraordinary attack and defense skills. One day, the light people decided that they would no longer give their support to the rest of the nation, so the dark people, knowing it was a threat, declared war on the light infused among them. Light magic and infusion was strictly banned and all harboring those who did practice any form of light magic were punished severely. The war took almost no time becuase of the light's inability to form a counter attack. The current queen was instrumental to this pushback of the light traitors, paving the way for her peaceful rule. That's what we've been told anyway, but I have no idea what is true and what is fabricated or stretched..." Taylor explained, looking up toward the hidden sky, hair falling gently in front of her face, at least as far as Hannah could tell.

"Well, what do you think is real?" Hannah asked, turning to face Fey.

"All I know is that something tried to stop the queen, and that they are most likely those infused with light." 

"Are they the bad guys then?" Hannah asked, confusion washing over her in waves.

"I want to think they are alright, but I can't be sure until I meet them." 

"Why do you think it was a light-infused person, a sign?" 

"There are two reasons, the space we were transported to was filled with light, and that dream..." Taylor answered, facing Hannah once again.


"Last night, I had a dream predicting everything that happened today, starting with our flight and ending with you taking Fey." Taylor choked, tears running down her face, making her hair slightly damp. Hannah waited until Taylor calmed down before speaking again.

"She was about to be attacked by one of the creatures of this forest, so I just acted on instinct."

"She was in danger... Thank you for saving her." 

"Of course, who wouldn't?" Hannah asked, facing Taylor and smiling.

"And thank you for listening, it's a weight off my shoulders!" 

"Of course, but it's getting dark, we need to get Fey in and catch a few Zs." Hannah replied, jumping up and walking over to where Fey lay, picking her up and moving her into the little shelter behind Taylor. Taylor followed her in and kneeling next to Fey.

"What took you guys so long?" Kira asked, sitting down.

"Sorry, we were just talking..." Taylor said, looking at Hannah.

"Yeah, but we all need to get some shut eye, alright?" Hannah added, patting Kira on the head and laying her down. Kira let out an enormous yawn and closed her eyes.

"Good night, Hannah." Taylor yawned, lying down.

"Good night." Hannah replied, leaning on the wall and feeling the world melt away.

Finally decided on a publishing schedule, and from now on, I will be publishing every Wednesday, so look forward to that. Anyway, see you next week!

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