Chapter 29: Fey

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"Have you even tried to reach me?" The voice mocked, only growing stronger the further down she went.
"How far down is this voice?" Fey asked, her descent having been kept at a steady pace for what felt like an hour.
"You'll need to get to me sooner or later if you want to find out about that past of yours," the voice replied, superiority overwhelming every other tone in its words.
"Why have you changed so much. You seemed so much nicer before," Fey observed, thoughts and words rushing around, disorganized and growing louder.
"What are you doing? Don't you want to know where you came from?" The voice asked, shock and beckoning colliding.
"I could always find that out another way, I mean, Celeste could always tell me!" Fey shouted at the voice, beginning her descent
"And what makes her so trustworthy, huh? She already left us clueless before!" The voice replied, beginning to sound more familier.
"Us?" Fey asked, the pieces slowly forming and connecting right in front of her eyes. "Who are you really?"
"If you wanted to know my name, you could have just asked, silly!" The voice replied, followed by echoing footsteps. A figure gradually walking into view. Once they were fully emerged, Fey let out a gasp. The figure looked exactly like her except for one minor difference, the eyes. The figure's eyes were a midnight purple with the faintest hint of a sky blue around the edge. "But it doesn't make sense why you don't recognize yourself."
"H-how, this can't be real!" Fey shouted, not wanting to believe what was right in front of her.
"Come now, you can't really think that only the light resides inside you," the other Fey said, clearly acting offended. "As a coin has two sides, you too have two parts of yourself. The kind that will follow light and the other that yearns for darkness. I am that other side that you have kept locked away for all these years, and now I will finally have the chance to put you in my shoes! So say farewell to all those you hold dear, because you'll never see them ever again, or at least talk to them again." Evil Fey explained, laughing and seeming gitty.
"Why are you telling me all of this?" Fey asked.
"Simple, I wanted to show you how I have felt all these years! Now shut your mouth or it will be taken from you!" Evil Fey threatened, anger flickering into her eyes but a fleeting moment before they returned a happy shimmer. "Well anyways, I need to go and say hi to those outside here, so farewell." Those were the last things Fey heard before her senses went dimmer, even for this place, and muffled sounds came through.
"What can I do?" Fey asked, her Hope's shrinking until it was just a tiny spark, an ember in the night.

Light and DarkTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon