Chapter 30: Kira

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"Come on now, it won't be that bad..." the gaurd escorting them. Kira was looking around at the rusty metal bars that surrounded the room they had stepped into. The sounds of hands banging on bars filled her ears as the disgruntled faces of the other prisoners peeked out at the young girls. "Now, you'll be staying here until the queen can talk to you about the final punishment for your misconduct."

"How long do you think that will be?" Taylor asked, a dread beginning to seep into her eyes.

"Unfortunately, the queen will be horribly busy for the next few days as there is a special guest coming to the kingdom for a time. Once they have returned home, I'm sure the queen will hear your pleas," the guard replied. Kira guessed from the tone of his voice that they wouldn't be seeing anywhere but here for a very long time. The guard continued to guide them through the maze of bars and locks, and after a few minutes, he stopped and grabbed a ring of keys off of his belt and opened the door in front of him. "Now, you, young girl, step in here if you would." Kira looked over at Taylor and Hannah one last time before walking into the cell the guard had opened, listening as the door creaked shut behind her.


"Come on out!" a voice shouted, a banging following the call. Kira opened her eyes. How long had she been sleeping? The last thing she remembered was getting locked into the cell. "I said GET OUT HERE!" 

"Alright, just give me a minute," Kira grumbled, sitting up and rubbing her eyes. She stood up awkwardly, tripping over her own feet as she found her way to the cell door. Slowly, the door opened and the guard roughly grabbed her arm, forcing her out of the room she had occupied until then. Once she had a chance to look, Kira saw Hannah and Taylor walking behind her. She slowed down until they caught up with her. 

"Are you alright, Kira?" Taylor asked, glancing down at the wrist the guard had grabbed before averting her eyes yet again.

"I'm fine, but did they do anything to you guys?" Kira asked.

"Nope, we were just asked, rather harshly might I add, to come out about an hour we were put in our cells," Hannah said, her eyes darting side to side as they walked past the other prisioners.

"Alright, now this will be your time to get to know the other inmates here. I can tell you now that you better hope you all see each other for a long time, 'cause otherwise, all of you will face death." the gaurd shouted, though he stood only a couple feet away. "Understood?" 

"Yes sir!" the three girls exclaimed at once. 

"Good, now you go on now, I'm not your babysitter!" her shouted once again, waving for them to get out of his sight. 

"This is going to be so much fun!" Kira thought, the sarcasm of her words reaching her expression as they walked away.

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