Chapter 33: Fey

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Fey let herself sink deeper into the abyss inside the abyss she had been put into.

"Why is this happening? Where did she come from?" Fey asked herself. Feeling began bombarding her all at once. Guilt. Pain. Regret. Despair. All forcing themselves into her very core.  

"Is she doing this? But why?" Fey tried to fight against the confusion and bombardment of emotions, and at first it worked, but the sheer mental exertion made it so all she could do is just fight. Slowly, ever so slowly, she felt her will drain away into the abyss that held her captive.


The other Fey opened her eyes, the light blinded her for a moment while her eyes adjusted. She had done it! Her weaker half was finally gone, stuck in the darkness that had kept her for so many years.

"It might take me awhile to get used to this body, but I have all the time in the world to learn."

"Fey, You're alright!" a younger girl called. She thought about it for just a moment before Fey's memory came to her 


"So your name is Kira, huh?" evil Fey said, trying to see what her counterpart had found so interesting in this little squirt.

"Fey, what happened to your eyes?" another girl asked, apparently, her name was Taylor.

"What do you mean? Have they changed?" Fey asked, wishing she could find out what was so strange.

"Who are you?"  the girl who seemed to be named Hannah asked.

"I'm Fey, but not the one you knew. I am her hidden side. One that even she had no idea about, but i'm free now!" 

"Fey, I know you can hear us, so come back to us, please!" Taylor called. Fey found it so funny because of how serious they were. Didn't they know that girl was gone forever and just accept what was happening.

"We'll save you, so just hold on until we can!" Hannah exclaimed, rushing up to the place she stood, but the queen stood in their way before she could reach.

"I would have thought you would help your own family, Kira, but I guess this is to be expected after what your mother did..." the queen sneered, bringing her gaze over toward Taylor and Kira, both of them in shock.

"This could be interesting, let's see what happens..."

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