Chapter 17: Fey

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Fey stood behind the other girls as they all went up to the house Celeste had taken them to the day before. Just as Kira got ready to knock, the door opened and Celeste, seeming a little distracted, bumped into them.

"Sorry... oh, you girls are here already!" Celeste said, walking back and laughing awkwardly. 

"Sorry we came unexpected, but we still have a few questions about everything..." Taylor replied.

"Well then, why don't you come in and I can make you something to eat," Celeste suggested, motioning them in once again. Fey began to notice a nervous aura around Celeste.

"Is she trying to hide something from us?"  Fey thought, entering the house to see papers all over the table that had been perfectly clean yesterday.

"Sorry for the mess. I was just trying to find something before you came over..." Celeste explained. Fey sat down at the table and went to pick up one of the papers when Celeste stopped her.

"These are very important, so I would rather you leave them alone, alright?" 

"Ok, Celeste, if you say so..." Fey mumbled, her thoughts jumbled by Celeste's behavior.

"What would be so important that she wouldn't let me touch it, yet disposable enough to leave on the table unsupervised..." Fey wondered, staring off in the direction Celeste had gone. Fey's hands went to flip over a paper again, when she stopped herself."Who am I to disobey someone going through all this trouble for me and my friends..." 

"It may not be super fancy, but here's something for you girls to eat while we talk," Celeste said, setting down a plate of scrambled eggs and toast in front of each girl. The plates had been floating in the air moments before, as Celeste had been lifting only a single finger.

"How did you levitate those plates?" Taylor asked, looking at Celeste for a moment before grabbing the toast and eating it.

"That's simple, my dear. I was using one of the many light magic spells," Celeste said, a kind chuckle in her words.

"What all can light magic do?" Kira asked, though more to herself than anyone else.

"Light magic can do a lot of things. Everything from gaining more knowlage to creating a protective barrier. One of the only things it can't do is bring much physical harm to another being," Celeste explained. She seemed ready to go on when Hannah interrupted. 

"Hold on, before we get into that, Fey wanted to ask you something!" Everyone's eyes were on Fey. She felt her cheeks grow hot, not expecting the sudden attention.

"You said that you are the voice that spoke to me, Kira, and Taylor in that white void, right?" Fey asked, surprised at how confadint she sounded.

"That's right..." Celeste murmured, her eyes starting to find their way to the floor once again.

"What do you know about my past?" Fey said, tears threatening to fall.

"I'm sorry, but I can't tell you that yet..." Celeste whispered, just loud enough for Fey to hear.

"Then why...!" Fey screamed, tears rushing down her face like waterfalls. "Why would you say you knew something if you wouldn't tell me!"

"Fey, calm down..." Taylor said, standing up to comfort her.

"You don't understand! You know where you came from!" Fey retorted, running out the door and out of the village they had found rest in.

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