It's Not Stalking; It's Called Following

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Friday afternoon and Arthit finds himself on his way to the cat café where Kongpob works to wait for him to finish his shift. His friends had invited him over for a drink, but he declined because he’s not really in the mood to get shitfaced, and Arthit doesn’t want to leave Kongpob on his own.

    But he receives a text from his alien friend just as he gets out of the train station telling him that he will have dinner outside tonight and to fetch Mr. Giggles at the shop.

    Arthit scoffs, glaring at his phone like it personally offended him.

    Who does Kongpob think he is ordering him around like Arthit hasn’t provided everything for him?

    ‘Who are you coming with?’ he replies.

    Arthit’s about to pocket his phone when it pings.

    ‘Ben asked me out to dinner.’ is what it says, and Arthit’s eyes almost bugs out off of his skull.

    Ben? He doesn’t know anyone named Ben.

    He knows most of the staff at the café, so Arthit wouldn’t worry if they invited Kongpob out to dinner since it’s a Friday which is understandable considering their ages, also he’s also told himself to let Kongpob slowly experience the world on his own and to not let Kongpob be completely dependent on him.

    But Ben?

    He doesn’t know any Ben in that shop.

    “Who the fuck is this Ben,” he mutters as he voices out his concern in a reply.

    Arthit hastily walks towards the café. He can already see the sign of the shop, so he makes his legs work.

    Kongpob hasn’t replied to him yet, and Arthit hopes the alien is still at the café, or else he’ll spend the whole night plucking his hair out as he waits for Kongpob to get back.

    “Hey, P’Arthit,” greets Alice when Arthit enters the store panting. “You just missed Kongpob.”

    He takes his time to collect his breathing before looking up. Arthit notices Mr. Giggles in his cage looking very much unimpressed on being left alone.

    His eyes lands on Alice and her sorry smile.

    “I tried to warn the guy,” Alice consoles, “But he didn’t listen.”

    “What –” Arthit takes a deep breath, looks around and asks, “Kongpob left?”

    “Yeah,” Alice eyes him. “He didn’t tell you?”

    “He texted me,” he replies. “Who’s this Ben anyway?”

    “He’s a customer here,” Alice explains. “He doesn’t usually come here often, but Ben mostly visit during Kongpob’s shift.”

    Arthit grunts. 

    “Look, I told the guy Kongpob already has a boyfriend, but he didn’t listen.” Alice placates.

    “He’s not – nevermind,” he waves as he fishes his phone from his pocket hoping for a reply.

    There isn’t.

    “Kongpob’s not supposed to go out with strangers,” he mutters as he types in a text.

    Alice just gives him a look, but Arthit doesn’t want to explain things to her, so he takes Mr. Giggles’ cage and asks, “Do you know where they’re going?”

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