No, I Won't Go Home Without You.

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Arthit finds himself inside the cat café on a Thursday afternoon waiting for Kongpob to finish his shift.

    The alien told him he would only be working at the café part-time, but Kongpob has taken into checking in extra hours because he likes the company of the cats.

    Kongpob brings Mr. Giggles with him everyday – something Arthit was in favor because then he won’t have to worry about the feline ripping his curtains to shred, and the café welcomed Mr. Giggles’ presence since they’re cat had befriended Mr. Giggles the last time they visited the shop.

    Now, one must be wondering what Arthit is doing at the cat café at 6:42 in the afternoon, but in his defense, it’s better this way.

    Kongpob’s first day has proven to be a stressful day for him as well. Since the alien was currently living with him, Arthit felt like Kongpob was his responsibility, and if something were to happen to his extraterrestrial friend then there would be no one to blame but him.

    Even though Kongpob already has a mobile phone in his person, Arthit felt like he needed to make sure Kongpob’s safe.

    So, Arthit has taken into waiting for Kongpob to finish his shift every afternoon so they could go back home together.

    Kongpob’s hours work with his schedule anyway; working from 3 to 7 in the evening, so Arthit didn’t really mind waiting for him to begin with.

    What’s bothering him was the knowing stares Kongpob’s co-workers give him whenever he enters the shop.

    He’s pretty sure Arthit knows what they’re thinking about. 

    But he shrugs it all off because Kongpob was oblivious to it and it would only prompt the alien to ask questions if Arthit makes a big deal out of it.

    Besides, the thought of some people mistaking their relationship doesn’t sit badly on his mind.

    As long as it’s not getting in the way of their current friendship, Arthit really doesn’t mind.

    But it doesn’t mean he’s used to it.

    “Hey, P’Arthit,” greets the girl behind the counter named Alice. She has this smile that sends a foreboding chill in his spine. “Here for Kongpob? He’s at the back.”

    Arthit can only smile awkwardly and nod.

    There’s a separated section where the customers could dine with the cats. Arthit immediately spot their own Mr. Giggles napping at the foot of a table.

    Kongpob told him he mostly works at the backroom, so he really has no time to play with the cats. Arthit told him he’s not there to play with the cats but work and earn money.

    “Hey, Arthit,” a guy comes out from the backroom wiping his hands with a towel. If Arthit remembers correctly, his name was Dai, and is his and Kongpob’s senior.

    He pays his respect.

    “Kongpob’s just arranging some bags, but he’ll be out soon.”

    Arthit forces a smile again, nodding when Dai gets back to his work.

    The first time Arthit went here to wait for Kongpob he almost burst into flames.

    Upon learning that he was there to wait for Kongpob’s shift to finish, the present staff that afternoon all smiled knowingly at him making Arthit fluster, his cheeks immediately turning red.

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