I Thought I Saw A Pussy Cat

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The first time Arthit left Kongpob alone at his house was the second day after Kongpob had mysteriously showed up in his house that night.

    He called his boss and asked if he could revise his blueprint at home, and since most of the papers Arthit needed was with him his boss allowed it. They were allowed to work out of office from time to time provided they’ll deliver the necessary work that needed to be done.

    Arthit was already done with that part, thanks to Kongpob.

    The next day though, Arthit had left specific instructions to Kongpob before he left the alien to work.

    “Don’t go out of the house,” started Arthit with a finger. “If someone knocks on the door don’t open it. I already left something for your lunch – you remember how to work the microwave?”

    Kongpob had nodded then, his eyes wide like he wasn’t really sure what to do.

    “When will you be back, Arthit?”

    “Around 6 or 7 depending on traffic.”

    And before Arthit stepped out of his home he eyed Kongpob one last time.

    “Don’t do anything stupid.”

    Kongpob’s face was indifferent, but he replied, “I don’t mean what you mean by stupid.”

    “Just – forget it,” he waved. “I’ll head out now.”

    “Have a good fucking day, Arthit,”

    “Yeah – yeah whatever.”

    Now, he’s on his way home from work and Arthit still gets nervous whenever the end of his shift comes because he doesn’t know what to expect when he opens his door.

    Although Kongpob had adhered to his conditions and strict instructions, Arthit still had some concerns. Kongpob was a stranger to him, and his mother had always told him not to trust strangers easily.

    Another part of his mind tells him that Kongpob seems to be innocent – and it was obvious by the way the alien is oblivious to almost everything.

    Still, Arthit has his concerns and anxiety whenever he leaves the house.

    He usually finds Kongpob watching T.V or on his laptop whenever Arthit returns from work. The dishes were neatly tucked away where they should be, and there were no leftover trash anywhere in the kitchen.

    “What do you do when I’m at work?” Arthit had asked Kongpob one afternoon.

    Kongpob had then looked up at him and without missing a beat, said, “Wait for you to come back.” which made Arthit completely shudder because he’s pretty sure he saw that on the internet once, and if Kongpob had started an interest towards pop culture then it would be a nightmare living with Kongpob.

    It would be like living with a meme incarnate, and Arthit is not ready for that.

    He made a mental note to steer Kongpob away from social media – particularly Tumblr and Twitter, because Buddah knows what Kongpob would discover in those sites.

When Arthit keys in his door he pauses.

    The house is awfully quiet which, since Kongpob came is not a good sign.

    Most of the times he’ll hear the faint sound of his television on, at times he’ll hear a soft music playing in the background since it makes Kongpob feel relaxed.

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