It's a bird, it's a plane, no it's a naked alien in my house?

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Arthit jostles out of his sleep in the middle of the night when he felt the whole house shake.

    Thinking it was an earthquake, his sleep riddled mind instructs him to get on the ground and take cover, but when nothing follows, he curiously looks around his dimly lit room with his eyes squinting at the clock that reads 2:25am.

    He grunts, standing up with the intention of going back to sleep. Arthit has to go to work early today to finalize the project he’s been working on for the past couple of weeks, but when he hears rustling from deep within his own home he becomes alert.

    Arthit’s first course of action is to grab his phone by the nightstand with the emergency number already dialed in.

    He tiptoes outside his room, scanning his kitchen which is adjacent to his room. When Arthit spots nothing out of the ordinary, he silently makes his way towards the living room.

    Arthit’s house isn’t a big one. It was something he inherited from his grandfather when he passed away, so Arthit is living in it right now. 

    When he turns on the light, though, he gets the surprise of his lifetime.

    There standing in the middle of his living room is a naked man staring right back at him.

    “Who the fuck are you?” says Arthit, clutching his phone tightly in his hand.

    The naked man in question tilts his head and says, “Is that how you greet others in this planet?”

    Arthit immediately calls the police.

    He keeps eyes on the guy who seems to be doing nothing except just stand in front of him with all his nakedness. Arthit glares over at the guy but he doesn’t seem to understand the situation he’s in.

    It’s only a matter of time before Arthit hears the police siren making its way to his house. He keeps his eye contact as if daring the guy to do something dangerous like pounce on him or knock him out, but the guy is still planted in his living room as Arthit makes his way towards the door.

    When he greets the bored look of the police in his front door, he explains the situation, but when he turns around the naked guy is not around.

    “There was a break in,” Arthit explains, and pointing to the spot where the guy was earlier, he adds, “He was right here!”

    The police officer quirks a brow at him, steps into the living room and says, “Was there anything taken?”

    “No, no I don’t think so,” Arthit mumbles. “I heard something and I found him here! He was naked!”

    “Naked?” asks the other police officer.

    The police then ask to check the whole house, and Arthit gave his consent.

    When the officers gets back to him they tell him that all the doors were locked, and there seem to be nothing missing or out of place, and Arthit confirmed it when he inspects the house himself.

    “Was he carrying any firearms with him?”

    “No,” he shakes his head. “He was naked.”

    The police gives him an odd look, and Arthit thinks that maybe the officers think that he’s pulling a prank on them or that he’s on drugs and is hallucinating. 

He scoffs at the thought.

    “If anything else happens, please calls us,” the officer says.

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