“Okay, Darren. What are the chances he’s in the desert?” There was silence for a moment. The desert was a place neither girl wished to go. Although it shared the same three world rule as their plane, the desert was a pseudo world, some other place filled with very little but sand. All Sidhe, elemental beings, cursed and dark beings could access it. Though you would rarely find any elementals or Sidhe in that plane. Not without very, very good cause. Darren had once told them that a lot of Dark beings raised their children there, and every now and then, once or twice within a century, one like himself, one who was cursed and could not take the beauty of this world would exile themselves there, t o live amongst the sand and the dark. That night both Jenny and Amy had cried when Darren had left them, though they would have cried sooner if they were not trying to hide their pity from him. To think that the cursed saw things so differently that they thought the world inbetween to be unbearably beautiful had brought home for them both, the severity of Darren’s curse. A world full of people they pitied for not being able to see the light, was too beautiful for the cursed to handle. Jenny had until then, been wary of Darren, being the thinker that she was, she could not get past what he was. That night, she had realised how hard it must have been for Darren to be as nice as he was, and had decided that even if it were a front, some sort of act. It was not one that was easy for him to keep up, and it was not one that could be kept up without him truly wanting it to be true.


To get to the dessert, the girls would have to gain elemental help. Though, they could cross on their own. They could not see dark energy and in order for them to find Darren they would need to know where he had crossed, at least that would be a starting point. For although total desert, it did correspond to their own world, well at least as far as time and space went. To cross into it from where they were now would leave them without a trace or clue as to where Darren was. They knew his destination. A temple, the Desert Temple. A temple made to the dark and the light. A temple celebrating the balance. They, did not know that the temple actually existed, but they did know that Darren believed it did.

There were rumours amongst the cursed. Rumours that suggested, that if one should go the temple, with a name, for there was power in a name, then one could be cured of their dark or light gifts. This made sense as free will was a pre-requisite of humanity, and so a chance to be without sight would fit within the laws they recognised. Neither the girls nor Darren had ever been sure what to believe as none of them saw themselves as human at all. Darren had, over the years become less and less sceptical of the idea though, in his desperation to free himself of his burden, he had grown wishful and his hope had over ridden any scepticism that could be found in him. In the last few months, he hadn’t mentioned it at all. To the girls though, this had been more a sign of his determination, than all the talking in the months before that.  They had just two weeks before talked about the fact that Darren hadn’t mentioned the Desert and the temple for some time. Amy had mentioned it and Jenny had instantly recognised the possible meaning of this, asking Amy “You Don’t think he’s going to do it do you?”. Amy had instantly said no, that he wouldn’t without telling them. The conversation ended there, but neither of them was actually convinced. Their silence on the matter held a nagging melancholy feeling within it.

Now, here they were two weeks later, both of them silently kicking themselves. Jenny opened the kitchen door to the garden and let her emotions flow out, then with a sigh went back to the table. Moments later the chatter of fairies filled the room as the earth elementals gathered at the door and two drifted in.

Omnix flew at the head of the group drifting in. Although she did not like to be summoned as Jenny had just done, she was aware that these were dire times, and with the fate of her brother Pixel still in her mind, she would happily listen to Jennies every whim if it meant that her family who she had loved for so long would be safe. She however thought jenny a fool for her attachments to the dark one Darren, and she often let her siblings know this. Even those siblings she had not seen for decades. After all, they were all family, the earth elementals, and family should share. It’s not that she did not care for Jenny. Just that she felt Jenny did not care for herself.

Behind Omnix flew Caylix her brother. Caylix and Omnix were as close to biological family as their kind got, having been created in the same primordial instant. They shared many physical characteristics but their personalities were as different as any could be. The two of them had never separated in all their time, always blessing the same bits of land. Of course they had argued and flown away in different directions for a day or a week here and there, but they had never actually left the general area without one another. However in a life as long as the ones they had lived, the general area allowed them space.

Omnix landed and placed her hands on her hips waiting. Caylix landed behind her. For a second the two of them stood with nothing happening. Jenny who was quite aware that Omnix did not look to be in an affable mood decided to not say anything till they were ready.

After a moment Caylix sighed and shrugged then walked around his sister towards Jenny. He looked her in the eyes then stretched out his arm pointing his finger up towards Jenny. She in turn placed her own hand on the table and stretched out her own finger until Caylix’ tiny finger touched her own. In an instant both their glows grew and merged. It was rare that Jenny needed to actually talk clearly to one of her beloved elementals. Usually understanding one another’s feelings was more than enough. But she knew there may be a debate and so she felt it wise to use words.

Caylix spoke, “umanclipax”, but what Jenny heard, Directly in her mind, and much louder than Caylix was able to physically speak was “Hello Jenny”. There was a sadness to his deep full voice, sadness tinged with apprehension as he knew already the reason for their talk. Jenny responded with a hello. In turn her voice too was translated and made less powerful for his mind. Caylix sighed then got down to business.

“Jenny, this will not help, and it definitely is not the time. Especially with Pixel.” Jenny nodded, “I know but he can help if we find him.”

Omnix who could hear Jenny through reading Caylix snorted and spoke directly into her brothers mind, his current bond with Jenny allowing her to hear it too. “Idiot, Pixel was killed by one of his.” Jenny was aghast “You do not know that”, she said firmly, “you said it might have been Her. He, fights her influence daily. The influence of someone who could kill Pixel daily!” The reminder of their friends demise caused those at the door to stir. Jenny noticed this and adjusted her tone, “look, please, I know it’s seems strange, but maybe now is the time to have someone like him on our side?” Before Caylix could reply Omnix started again this time pointing her finger accusingly at Jenny “that is not why you..” her sentence was cut off as Amy started to speak, having gotten the gist of the conversation from Jenny’s side alone “Yes, maybe he can help us fight her if she is here, you know he fights her, you know it!” Her eyes glowed brightly and her voice sounded pleading. Omnix froze for a moment before slowly turning around to look at Amy with a cutting look in her eyes. She lifted her finger to her mouth and made a shhh sound. Little Bitch thought Amy. This did not help Omnix’s disposition, as although she could not grasp them as well as she grasped Jenny’s, she sensed enough of Amy’s emotions to know she had just been abused, her abused by one who was but a seedling in age. She made a sound that was half mutter and half growl before turning round.

When she did she saw that Caylix and Jenny had broken their bond. She had been so focused on Amy that she had not bothered to tap into her brothers mind and listen in. He had obviously taken that time to come to a conclusion, and from the chagrin coming from him, and the hope rolling off Jenny, she knew which one it was all too well. He had promised they would help find the spot that Darren had crossed through.

Amy and jenny watched as Omnix slowly walked toward Caylix then with her  tiny accusing finger pointed out again began to scream. Though they were but twitters to the girls. They knew that Caylix was receiving a telling off that may have made either of them upset for months. Though Caylix, used to his sisters...moments, merely fluttered his wings and flew towards the door, his sister screaming behind him all the way. Amy looked at Jenny and rolled her eyes. She regretted it almost instantly as Omnix who had obviously sensed this, twisted in mid air and whilst still flying toward the door, but now backward, started screaming in her direction.



Hi everyone. I hope you are all enjoying story thus far. It's been drawn to my attention that there are  minor typos and grammatical errors. Please do bear with me. At this point i am very focused on creating the actual tale but i will at some stage go back and correct all these things. Possible even add a sentence here or there. Please do leave feedback, it's impotant to me that i know what you are actually enjoying and even more important, is that i know off any niggling things or queries on your minds thus far. Thank you all for taking the time to read. Tis a wonderful thing indeed :)!

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⏰ Última actualización: Oct 09, 2012 ⏰

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