Season 5 Has Arrived

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this is going to go over various topics relating to the first episode of supergirl season 5 and the pilot for batwoman. i'll be going over everything i want because i can do whatever i want on here. i'm adding in screen shots of funny tweets to make this more entertaining.

***this is literally all spoilers***

to start off this is the first time i've actually planned to view a show, sat down at my tv and watched a show live. that's how much i love this show. it was really scary and i did it in my basement, i didn't want my family to know really. idk i'd feel awkward having to explain that i like a show so much that i'm watching it live and i've literally never done that. they would have probably joined

so anyways onto the actual show. i really liked this episode, it had a good mix of things and made me excited. i'm not sure if it's because it was my first time watching a tv show on a tv in a while but this really gave me hardcore "tv show vibes" from certain things. i guess the catco office and coffee shop felt totally weird and were going towards that more modern futuristic look. it just didn't feel familiar, therefore causing me the tv vibes. it felt quite different compared to watching previous seasons on netflix. but don't worry a lot of it made me feel comfortable and reminded me of other good things previously on the show. i'd say i really liked the episode, it hyped me up for the season's entirety. i found myself yelling at the tv a lot during scenes and making comments to myself. i don't feel like i learned anything new about what the season had in store for us, it just kinda laid out everything we already knew. not bad but i thought we would have more of a cliff hanger or new info. besides j'onn being the one who banished midnight into the phantom zone. that wasn't really a big deal compared to *supercorp* or the new bitch who is running catco.


onto the thing we are all here for, supercorp. honestly i love this crazy ass dynamic during the episode. kara being too scared to tell lena the truth was so cute. alex has to give her pep talks and encourage her to reveal the truth. kara's all flustered and confused why she can do all these other hard things that take courage but telling her (girl)friend her secret identity is harding than swallowing a kryptonite pill. i was screaming at my tv saying "you're too afraid to tell her because you are in love with her!!"

 i was screaming at my tv saying "you're too afraid to tell her because you are in love with her!!"

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i think one scene had lena being totally manipulative and i loved it. it was the scene with them in the l-corp office. she was telling kara about how truthful she is and virtuous. i loved the dramatic irony that lena kept pushing onto kara throughout the episode until the reveal. lena's deceit comes from pain, she wants answers and the only way she thinks she can get them is through revenge. you could see the pain on lena's face when kara was about to tell her the truth about being supergirl and then cowers away out of lena's office. that was a well written scene. it perfectly showcased why kara had been stalling for 3 years, because kara is afraid to face her feelings and lena's reaction. kara constantly made excuses not to tell lena, to the point that lena was told by lex first. how tragic. i think that's a good character flaw to have given kara and it will fuel conflict later. i also think this flaw is specified just for lena and lena alone. kara has never done this to anyone else so i think that makes lena special in kara's eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2019 ⏰

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