Chapter 4: Fireside

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i love the arctic monkeys and this song kinda fits with lena and kara's dynamic.


Supergirl begins to clear out section C as fast as Kryptonianly possible in order to not get distracted by talking to the kids. "Supergirl you saved us!" Some kids chanted while in hospital beds. Kids are so darn cute!

"Good work Supergirl." Lena actually seems pleased with Supergirl. Hmm. "Any time Ms. Luthor."

Pat. Pat. Pshhh.

"He's here." Supergirl hears foot steps with her super hearing, locating the attacker in the process. "Hide everyone! I'll try to keep him as far away as possible." Supergirl faces towards Lena. "He has already ignited, shut and block off as many doors as possible. And grab as many fire extinguishers as you can before you pull the fire alarm to put this place into lockdown."

Lena stares in awe as the Super blasts away in a flash. It's still so cool whenever she does that. Lena thinks to herself. The children squeal in excitement from the spectacle.

Sure enough Supergirl finds the pyromaniac in the east wing. "Supergirl. Get. Out. Of. My. Way." Instinctively the crazed man ignites his whole body in orange hot flames. He opens up his hands emitting blue flames towards Supergirl. The burning man screams in anguish. Supergirl combats his hefty flames with some good ole Kryptonian freeze breath. Which she immediately wins, accidentally knocking him through the wall, and out of the building. "Whoops?" Supergirl says this with genuine astonishment. Did I go overboard? I swear his flames looked way stronger than that.

"Supergirl!" The now infuriated man starts charging towards her at full speed. With the extra oxygen while running he is able to burn a large fire aura around his whole body. Supergirl shakes out her body and then prepares for him to body slam her. Grabbing a hold of the man, she pins him down to the ground, and begins extinguishing. She practically drowns him in arctic breath and icicles. Everything behind him is completely solid ice, the floor has been practically turned into a ice skating rink, and giant ice formations appear.

"My daughter. I just want to see my daughter!" The man cries out. Kara continues to shove his body into the frozen floor. "Sir, then why have you destroyed two hospitals, and injured eighty helpless people?" A thin layer of white frost covers his body.

"I can't stop it. I can't. Please don't kill me. Make it stop, I just want to see my daughter." Supergirl is unable to stop him from reigniting after multiple attempts of putting him completely out. "Sir, I don't want to hurt you, I can help. I know people who can stop your powers so you can see your daughter again, without hurting her. I just need your cooperation. Stay calm"

The DEO squad finally comes in extinguishing fire from the short fight, cuffing the man with power damping cuffs. "Thank you, Supergirl." The man says with tears in his eyes while being hauled off in a military truck.

Supergirl looks around to see the east lobby completely demolished. A vast majority of it is completely covered in column sized icicles and any unfrozen part is covered in black soot and still burning. "Keep civilians away from the damaged fire side, until it's safe." Lena responds, "I will, and I know police are as well." Kara tries to strike up conversation as Supergirl with Lena, "Who would have thought a man trying to find his daughter would cause this much destruction." Lena responds, "His daughter was the first one harmed by his powers. She's going to have to live with first degree burns for the rest of her life. It all started with a hug. I can't imagine the guilt."

"I wish I could have stopped it before it all got out of hand." Supergirl pleads in disappointment. Lena puts her left hand on Supergirl's shoulder. "We can't help save everyone always. You did your best. You of all people should know that better than anyone else."

"I know. But it still hurts every time." Lena looks into Supergirl's eyes with sympathy. "I understand, it hurts me too." Placing her right hand on her own chest, looking into Supergirl's eyes reassuringly and nodding. "Me too." The walls corrupted by fire and ice begin to destabilize and the second floor ceiling falls. Kara covers her best friend as the hard cement crumble over Kara's hard body. For a moment it was just a heart felt moment between friends but in reality Lena barely views Supergirl as a friend. For Kara it felt as if she was saving her friend as herself, not the persona of Supergirl. "Oh my thank you Supergirl, good thing I'm the only one back here." Lena says this as she uses the Kryptonian's body to pull herself up. "I should probably get everyone out of here before the whole building collapses." Supergirl begins to apologize for the destruction she caused. "I'm sorry for the mess, I was unable to control the damage made by this capture. But I'll be there to help out if needed. I can at least assure you that. Goodbye, Ms. Luthor."

Supergirl blasts away into the sky and Lena looks up. "Goodbye." Kara flys back to CatCo to finish up her daily work.

"An angry flaming father huh? That's new, i wonder why he has powers." Nia asks Kara as she sits at her desk. "I'm not sure but maybe the DEO can figure it out. According to all reports he never intentionally hurt anyone. All he did was look for his daughter." Nia sits down patting Kara on the back. "It's sad I know, but you did everything you could."

"Yeah." Kara pauses remembering trivia night. "Are you and Brainy still up for Friday game night?" Kara sits up straight to face Nia. Nia answers, "Of course, but we will have to host the trivia. Brainy would know every answer because he's a supercomputer and all."

Kara says encouragingly, "Right, I didn't think about that. Well then you two better make this the best game of trivia ever."

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