Chapter 20: A Touch Of Life And Death

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Kara had a couch put into her office just for Nia to use her powers on. The three enter the reporters office and Nia walks over to the soft couch.

"I had it installed when I moved into this new office. It's pretty much just for you to use your powers at work." Nia lies down on the black couch and rests her body comfortably.

"I'll bring up all the locations of storage units in the area." Lena sits in Kara's office chair and opens up the files she put together at lunch.

Nia closes her eyes and the dreams begin. "Mountain. Mountain side. Rocky. Hidden. Above the city." Nia opens her eyes. "That's all I could get guys."

"So it's on the mountain side downtown." Lena clicks her mouse around until she finds a potential area. "This abandoned storage facility closed down in the seventies. It fits the description."

Kara thinks as she looks at the picture Lena popped up on the computer. "It seems like a good place to hide alien technology. Let's go."

The three take Lena's car downtown and outside of town to the beginning of the mountain range. There are many abandoned buildings besides the storage facility.

"I never knew about this place. This little town area died out during the Vietnam War. It's pretty much forgotten." They drive up to the dilapidated sign for the old storage unit building. Everything is dusty and falling apart.

They get out of the car and walk to the storage units. Kara scans with X-ray vision for any alien technology. "Most of these are empty or have junk." They all walk further down the hall of units. "That one has a car!" Kara gets excited. Lena continues walking to the next one as she shakes her head at the silly girl. They have gotten through all of them and there is no sign of what they are looking for.

"That's all of them. Should we look somewhere else?" Lena doesn't know where else the technology could be hidden.

"In my dream it was in the side of the mountain and facing the city." Nia explains her dream.

Lena points to the mountainside that runs along the road out of the city. "Lets go over there. Maybe there's some secret opening in the side of the mountain."

Kara walks in front of the other two as she searches for a doorway in the rock. "Here." Kara starts pulling off vines and vegetation off of the hidden doorway. The other two join. Kara pulls off a big chunk with her super strength revealing a large metal door.

"How do we open it?" Nia questions. It is all chained up and has giant rusty locks.

"Like this." Kara snaps the chains off of the door, and rips the locks off their loops. With one arm she pulls up the heavy armored door. The other two just watch in awe at Kara's feat. "Come on in." They all walk in and Kara releases the door, causing it to slam onto the ground. Kara pulls the string for the single dangling light bulb.

"This place is interesting." Lena turns on her phones flashlight and looks around at the Kryptonian crystals, clothing, texts, and weird metallic artifacts.

"This is a lot more than I expected." Kara is surprised by the boxes and boxes full of artifacts Coville had found. Many had crashed onto Earth as meteoroids, and he found hundreds all over the world. The dark dusty room had a lot for Kara to bring back and learn about. There are many books, and scrolls from her planets history that he somehow got his hands on from other aliens. "I'm glad we were able to find these parts of my cultures history and not let them get into the wrong hands."

The three move the boxes to the exit for once they leave. All they need now is the few left in the back of the room. Kara walks over and grabs onto this golden figurine, it looks like the statutes they would have at masses for prayer on Krypton, but very small and archaic. Kara feels the shape of statue in the dark to confirm that it's the one she remembers of Rao. The figure causes Kara to feel very nostalgic, the statue feels so familiar. Like something she is remembering from a dream. After inspecting the oddity for a while she suddenly feels weak. "Guys, I think there's Kryptonite in the room." She projects her voice just before she collapses to the ground. The statue she was holding falls into the box she carried over.

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