to my readers

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these two edits are amazing! the top one is making me so nervous for season 5

since people are finally viewing my story i want to say i wish to publish chapters as soon as possible but i also want them to be well thought out. i will be publishing them in chunks so they all are cohesively put together and don't have mistakes in story telling or wrong information. writing and revising takes time but making sure everything flows and is able to convey my ideas is more important. i want this to be as fun for me as it is for you guys. if i don't enjoy reading it myself as a reader than i try to think of new things and concepts to add in. i'm also trying my best bc this is my first time writing. i notice my sentences can be choppy or i'll skip transition words. i'm working my best to make the literature part of it nice so it isn't some crappy or cheesy fan fiction. constructive criticism is welcomed. oh and lastly my new best friend is a thesaurus! i love widening my vocabulary :)

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