To be good

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Finn up top.

A few months had passed since I started living with the Avengers, and I learnt a lot in that time, thankfully I wasn't the only one who knew little to nothing about the modern world, so along with Steve, Bucky and sometimes Thor. We learnt about what had happened in the years we were gone. And oh my god had some shit gone down. The Avengers told me about the events of the New York invasion and what happened to Sokovia, plis what had lead them to a civil war between them.

They also helped me to train to fight n a way that was more suitable to a hero, rather than a killing machine. I learnt how to hold myself in a fight instead of going straight for the throat, killing instantly. That took quite a lot of time to learn but gradually I was able to use my cunning to outsmart my opponent not kill them. Which I was told would prove useful out in the field. Saving the world.

But I also was given the chance to rediscover myself, and attempt to reconnect with the life that was stolen from me. Danny would come in frequently and catch me up on things. Giving me photos of our friends, and even us as children. I saw Finn for the first time in a video Danny showed me of him. He was exactly as I remembered, only older. It was refreshing reliving so many happy memories. I allowed myself to enjoy these blissful months and forget the horrors which I had seen. But within my time in New York I couldn't help but feel I left something in Ohio, a someone who helped me and loved me.

After all this time I still missed Ashton, with every fibre of my being I wished for his helping hands and sweet smile. My heart had been left in a hospital in Ohio and I wanted more than anything to get it back. But I couldn't. The Avengers wouldn't and couldn't understand it and I couldn't tell Danny, I only just got him back. I couldn't disappear again. It wasn't right. All that left me to do was wonder a million and one what ifs.


I awoke the next morning faced by two assassins, Natasha sat comfortably in a chair while Clint leaded against the doorway. In the shock I pulled the covers on my bed to protect myself from imaginary harm. A stupid thing to do but I couldn't be to careful.

"Calm down kid." Clint laughed "we didn't mean to scare you. At least that wasn't the plan," I breathed out a sigh of relief at the knowledge that they didn't intentionally try and give me a heart attack.

"Kit, Fury wanted us to get you. He thinks that you're ready to go out into the field. With guidance and supervision of course. And we think you're ready as well judging my how fast you've adjusted to life and the training you've received past and present. What do you say Kit. We'll be beside you the whole time kicking ass."

I hardly had to think of an answer to the question.

"Yeah. I'm ready." Sitting up straighter I smiled slightly at the thought of helping people and not being forced to harm them, finally I was given the chance to do good. To truely be good.

And that made me feel good.

They left and I prepared myself for the mission, changing into black pants and a matching black shirt. Pulling bulky black boots on and looking into the mirror at the person that I'd become. Already I had grown stronger and my appearance reflected that, I seemed healthier and truth be told happier.

I didn't miss my red hair and brown eyes anymore. I had started to love my bone white hair and red eyes. Because others loved them. The others around me showed me that I was more than an experiment, than an assassin. More than a number scratched into my back. I didn't have to be a monster parents whispered stories about to children in the dark. I was give a second chance to be a hero. And I was all for it.

Stepping down the hallway I weaved my way to the living room where I was met by the rest of the Avengers all suited up and ready for battle.

Fury stood near the from speaking to another lady who I hadn't had the chance to meet yet. The room was full of quiet chatter as everyone waited for Fury to start.

"You sure you're ready kid?" Bucky said from behind me, giving me a small fright. But I steadied myself before it showed.

"Yeah. No time like the present I guess."

"You're a good kid. You'll save the day I'm sure. You'll be great." He said.

"Thanks." I whispered back as the meeting began.

"Avengers," Fury began, "Hydra agents are still roaming and trying to seize control. Now that we have two of their best siding with us they are become more aggressive and causing civilian casualties. There is a group currently in New York forcefully recruiting innocent people to become soldiers. Your mission is to track down these people and bring them in. Whatever it takes.

These are the people you are to bring back to SHEILD dead or alive." He brought up pictures of the soldiers and their stats. Some of their faces I knew and could beat with ease. It didn't really matter to much to me. The Avengers could beat them easily.

Until one face came up and my heart stopped. That familiar face. There was no way it was right. It couldn't be. No.

Ashton Bishop.


Oh shit plot twist.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while I had no idea what to write but finally I finished writing this chapter.

My dad and friend were the ones to give me this idea and finally I was able to put it into place. I feel like some people are gonna hate me for it but oh well

I want to know. What are your predictions for Fenrir.

Also thanks so much for 25k reads. I remember when this only had 500.

Until next time

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