Ashton Bishop

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Above is Ashton Bishop


When I woke up the was a beeping sound in my ears and a sharp but faint pain in my arm, at first I thought I was back in the cabin with Bucky but opening my eyes I could see white sheets lying on me and a machine sitting beside me, there was no way this was in a cabin it was to technical and scientific. Following the needle that was sticking in my arm I could see that it was hooked up to the machine on my left. My eyes were still kind of heavy and my arms and legs felt weak and I could hardly move my head to look around, it hurt like hell.

"He lives!" Came a masculine teenage voice, I slowly and painfully turned to see a tall dark haired boy leaning against the doorframe, he was pale and thin with high and very defined cheekbones and wore a black jacket accompanied by some dark ripped jeans. "The doc's wouldn't tell us nothin' about the newbie," now he was walking into the room and sat on the edge of the bed. "So kid, what's your poison?" I just cocked my head to the side, not understanding what he had meant. He sighed, "I mean why are you here, you know, what did you do to get thrown into a looney bin for kids?" The room was silent and empty apart from him and I, looking down at my hands I was unsure if I should answer his questions, hell even I didn't know why I was actually there.

"I-I don't know," I mumbled out quietly. He laughed,

"How do you not know why you'rew here, I mean come on man, you do look kinda freaky. You just gotta accept it, like me for instance, I'm stuck here cause of 'substance abuse' as the doctors say." I just looked at him in confusion, "I drank a lot of alcohol and did some drugs and now I'm trapped here until I'm better." He used air quotation marks around the word "better". "My guess is that you're just crazy," he moved closer to me and readjusted himself kicking the sheets off the bed, pulling his legs up and rested his chiseled jaw on his knee. I refused to look at him but I could feel him staring at me. "Oh come on, I'm sorry we're all just real curious about you. Debs said she overheard the doctor say you were under quarantine so no one could see you." I turned my head to look out the window, the sun shone brightly and there wasn't a cloud in the sky.

"I'm Ashton by the way, since I've talked my way into being the only one who can see you apart from the docs we should at least get acquainted with each other, so wolf-boy what's your name?" I looked up at him confused,

"Fenrir" I said, certain that my answer would satisfy his curiosity.

"No, that's not your name. Think, surely you got one." He sounded genuinely sincere. I didn't say anything for a minute, I reached into the deepest corners of my mind to find the knowledge Hydra forbid me to think.

"Kit, my name is Kit. Kit Andrews." I looked up at him and smiled like a maniac, but I didn't care, I knew my name, I didn't have to be Fenrir anymore. I could be Kit again. And goddamn I was happy for it. Ashton laughed at my excitement.

"Alright Kit imma take you to meet the rest of the gang, come on get dressed. And take that damn thing out of your arm," he carefully pulls the needle out of my arm and quickly places a bandage over where the needle was, but of course thee was no blood to come out, it healed instantly. He throws some clothes onto me hitting me in the face.

"I thought you said I wasn't allowed out of the room," I hesitated getting up,

"Oh God, no ones gonna notice or care, come on you gotta meet them, they're all dying to meet the new kid," he grabs my arm and pulls me up and for the first time I notice that I'm wearing a hospital gown similar to the one I first wore when I arrived at Hydra. Once again he threw the clothes at me and I caught them. It was a knit sweater four sizes to big and a pair of grey pants. I awkwardly stand there as he waits for me to put on the clothes, it takes him a second to realise what was wrong and he pulled the curtain around the bed.

Pulling the sweater over my head I looked at myself in the little mirror above the bed, my white hair was messy and full of dirt, there were dark circles under my eyes. The brown sweater hung low over my thin frame, but my pristine white fangs gleamed in the dimly lit hospital room.

After a few minutes Ashton pulled the curtains back and grabbed my wrists,

"Come on, they're gonna love you."

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