Because, you're family now

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The next morning I woke up tangled in the limbs of the two super soldiers still holding me. They were thankfully still asleep. Quietly I tried to wriggle out of their tight grips, but the more I tried to free myself the tighter they held me. Like they didn't want to let me go. To my side I stole a glance at Bucky. That son of a bitch was smiling. Moving my head slightly I caught Steve's eye. They were both awake.

I jumped realising that they witnessed my failed attempts of escape. I could take down multiple agents and even take on two Avengers. But I couldn't get out of a bear hug by Captain America and The Winter Soldier. Unbelievable.

"Come on kid, five more minutes" Bucky teased readjusting his position.

"Yeah. Come on Kit," Steve agreed. Mirroring Bucky's actions and propping himself up.

"No. Get off," I tried to fight them off in vain. Pushing them away. They just laughed and continued to keep me down. Eventually I gave in and lay my head on shoulder, completely out of breath after wrestling with the World War Two veterans. Steve ran his fingers through my hair, pulling it away from my forehead. Miraculously his fingers avoided the knots that littered my head. A warm silence lay in the room. Talking wasn't needed at that moment, I was just enjoying the safety and serenity of my new room. Conveniently one of the walls was just one large window that looked out to the countryside and in the distance I could see the ocean. The view was perfect.

Steve rested his chin on my head and watched the scenery with me. Bucky let out a small chuckle when he saw us. To anyone who didn't know us, we would look like a normal family. Under different circumstances I could of had this kind of parental relationship with my real family. But this was good, I was okay with this, this was nice.

Everything was calm, that was until Tony Stark burst in, with Black Widow and Hawkeye in tow. I was the only one that got surprised by their sudden arrival, the three superheroes stood in the doorway and started to laugh hysterically and made multiple comments on how 'cute' I looked when they saw the state of us, I was the only one with a shirt on and all three of us had extreme cases of bedhead. But Steve and Bucky didn't seem embarrassed, they were eating this up. Bucky hugged me around the shoulders tightly and practically nuzzled his face into my shoulder which caused my face to become very hot and very red, which was very noticeable with my pale skin and white hair. Steve leaned on my other side and whispered into my ear,

"Just go with it, there's no way out of it." Then he joined in with their teasing and cooing. Not knowing how to 'just go with it' I took a leaf out of Bucky's book and buried my head into his chest, which caused even more awws'. I felt like a small child with all the attention I was getting. Steve continued to stroke my hair and tried to convince me to bring my head away from Bucky's chest, but I refused.

Eventually the teasing died down and Steve and Bucky pried my head away from Bucky and let me get up. They left me alone to get dressed, I just picked up the sweater and pants from the day before. Walking into the bathroom I placed the clothes down and got into the shower, I was still somewhat sweaty from the nightmares so I figured it was a good idea. Stepping into the warm water I let it melt away all the worries and pain that still filled my head.

A few minutes later once I was clean, I got out, dried myself off and changed into my clothes. Quietly I stalked out of the bathroom and down the hall, trying to avoid more embarrassment. I succeeded, for a little bit. Walking into the kitchen I was greeted by Wanda and Natasha chatting happily over a cup of coffee, Wanda used her magic to bring over a jar of sugar which she pour a small amount into her cup. Silently I tried to walk into the living room, but they caught me. Red magic closed the door I was about to walk out of. Slowly I turned around to be greeted by the two female Avengers.

"Where do you think you are going?" Natasha queried. I didn't have an answer so I didn't respond. The two looked at each other sharing a seemingly knowing look. Communicating silently they started to walk closer to me. I backed up slowly but to no success the two managed to catch me. I was dragged to the counter in the kitchen a practically dropped into a stool. "You've been wearing the same clothes for about three days now. You need new ones. And Steve has agreed to come with us to get you some," Natasha casually said, picking up her half drunken cup of coffee.

"N-no it's okay. You don't have to." I stutter out trying and failing to convince them not to take me shopping.

"To bad. We're gonna take you out after breakfast," Wanda said before taking a sip of her warm drink.

"But why. You hardly know me,"

Wanda and Natasha looked at each other like they couldn't believe that I had asked the question.

"Because. You're family now."

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