Of all days

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A train, I was going to take a train from Seattle to New York. In hindsight it was a good idea. Only one thing stood in my way, I didn't have any money whatsoever. So I did the most logical of things. I stole some.

It was pretty easy really, with my quick reflexes and enhanced senses and speed I could easily grab someone's wallet, swipe some cash and slide it back into the persons purse or pocket. I repeated my process about six or seven times until I had enough money to buy a ticket, some food and anything else I might of needed to restart my life. Once I got my money I started off to the nearest train station, I brought a ticket and headed to my gate. I collapsed in a free seat in a small cafe, a nice looking lady came over and took my order, two chicken sandwiches and an orange juice. I handed over the money and she left to get my food.

I sighed thanking god that she didn't look at my teeth. Soon she returned with my food and placed it in front of me, I thanked her again and gave her a tip of $10, very generous I know. Once she retreated to the counter to serve another customer I placed my head into my arms and tried to make sense of my situation.

I was a teenage boy that didn't even know his own name, I escaped Hydra, an organisation that was trying to take over the world, they had experimented on me and made me some werewolf like freak, now I was running from Hydra and the Avengers, I was currently going to get on a train to New York City to try and rebuild my life. Could this month get any worse? The answer. Probably.

I dug into my food, thankful to be eating something half decent. I wolf down the two sandwiches and drank the OJ. The taste was heavenly. I had never felt more grateful for train station food in my life.

Wandering around the station I came across a book store and decided to look around until I found a book that I like the look of. I bought it and continued to look around, I ended up also buying a maroon hoodie to wear. I found a free bench and sat down and got comfortable.

"Train number 8934 to New York City is now boarding at platform 13," a disembodied female voice sang out from the speakers in the roof. Sighing I stood up and went to my train. I walked onto a empty carriage and collapsed into a seat right beside a large window.

Laying my head back onto the seat I closed my eyes and pulled up the hood of my jersey, I planned to sleep for the majority of the ride, that was until a voice disturbed me.

"Is this seat taken?" The voice sounded masculine and eerily familiar. I looked up to see The Winter Soldier standing right in front of me motioning to a seat across from me. He was wearing civilian clothes, a blue hoodie, baseball cap and sunglasses that were hanging from the front of his t-shirt, the fingers of his metal arm peeked out from the sleeve of the jersey. Quietly I nodded out of fear that he would recognise my voice. He sat down and I stared out the window and the train started to depart. We were the only ones in the carriage, why did we have to be the only ones in the carriage?

I silently sat there avoiding eye contact with the super soldier/master assassin. But I could feel his eyes burning a hole into the side of my head. Trying to ignore his staring I pulled out my book and began reading, I could tell that he want to talk to me but I was determined to avoid conversation at all costs.

Eventually I felt sleepy and I put the book down on the seat beside me, I closed my eyes and folded my arms across my body. My head hung low and then I leaned it back making my hood fall down to reveal my messy white and shaggy hair and I knew that he could see it, but being asleep I couldn't do anything about it. I just had to trust that he wouldn't do anything. As I lay there sound asleep unaffected by the movement of the train and the announcement from the conductor about an emergency stop, and by a certain World War Two veteran turned avenger picking me up and taking me off the train.

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