Testing, testing

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"I take his hand, holding on tightly, preparing for the cameras and dreading the moment when I will finally have to let go........."

I close the book and lay it back down on the bed. I had spent four consecutive reading the book start to end. It was very interesting to say the least. The main character was very complex and I related to it.

I looked around and noticed a girl sitting at the same table Fury was at. She was reading through some papers. She looked so engrossed in them. She met my gaze a few moments later when she lifted her head. A small smile made its way onto her face right before she burst out laughing.

"How long have you been there?" I asked.

She looked down at her watch

"About an hour, you seemed to really love that book. The third one is the best," she stood up, revealing her long legs and walked over to the glass, "I'm Aspen by the way, Aspen Garner, I'm an intern at Stark industries, and I've been assigned to you,"

"Assigned to me?"

"Yeah, like to take you to the labs and anywhere you need. I also have to observe you and take notes. Which reminds me, you are getting a PET scan in about an hour so we should get going." She tapped a couple buttons on her tablet and suddenly a door opened on my left. I stood up and walked through to be greeted by Aspen. She motioned for me to follow her and I obliged politely. We made our way through multiple hallways until we came to a pair of large doors. Aspen pushed through and revealed a room with a glass window looking onto a room that only held a cylinder shaped machine.

In the front room stood a man with messy brown hair, glasses and a loose purple dress shirt. He looked up from whatever it was that he was reading and walked over to us.

"Hello Aspen, and Kit. I'm Doctor Bruce Banner. I'm going to do your scans." Doctor Banner motioned for me to come with him. "I'm going to need you put these on." He handed me a hospital gown and took me to a small curtained off room where I put it on. My boney arms stuck out and were made painfully obvious in the thin cotton clothing. I stepped out  silently, my feet cold against the tiles of the hospital room. Doctor Banner ushered me over to the machine and talked me through what was going to happen.

"I need you to stay completely still as we take pictures of your brain and body so we can see just how my the vibranium has affected your health." After he finished he helped me in to the cylinder and I lay there and thought about what had led me to there.

I was an ex-assassin for an organisation called Hydra, I escaped and stowed away on a boat to America from Russia. I was captured by The Winter Soldier after I fell asleep on a train heading from Seattle to New York. I escaped that to. Then I was cornered by police officers in Ohio where I was taken to a mental hospital. I met a boy called Ashton and his friends. I lived at the hospital for two months. I fell in love with Ashton. The Avengers found me at the hospital and we fought back. I cut Captain America with my claws. Then I kissed Ashton. But I was taken from him. Now I was at The Avengers compound getting tests done by the Bruce Banner. And a teenage girl called Aspen was taking notes on everything I did. Normal was never a thing I had or ever could have again.

Lying there I could hear the beeps in my ears and I lay stiller than the bodies of the people I had brutally killed without a proper reason. I regretted every one of the kills and swore that I wouldn't ever forget them or what I had done. There was to much blood on my hands to forget the guilt was starting to Catch up to me, every life I stole and every scream that echoed though the walls of that prison that was the result of my hands. I vowed that I would make it right, that I would save and not kill, I was done being a killer. I would never take an innocent life again by my on will.

After a final beep echoed through my ears the disembodied voice of Banner told me I was finished. I slid out easily and walked over to the door that opened for me. That's when Aspen told me that I had more tests to do. Great.


The tests took the whole day and I was exhausted afterwards. Walking back into my room I collapsed onto my bed and lay there, still in the hospital gown that revealed a little more than I would have preferred. Most of my thigh was revealed and thank god I was still wearing underwear. My head was pounding softly from all the x-rays and blood tests. My eyes were still adjusting to not having lights shined into them. Me sera boy I pulled out the small music player and hit shuffle. Jet black heart by 5 seconds of summer started to play and I closed my eyes and just let the lyrics engulf me.

Everybody's got their demons
Even wide awake or dreaming
I'm the one who ends up leaving
Make it okay
See a war, I wanna fight it
See a match, I wanna strike it
Every fire I've ignited
Faded to grey
But now that I'm broken
Now that you know it
Caught up in a moment
Can you see inside?
'Cause I've got a jet black heart
And there's a hurricane underneath it
Trying to keep us apart
I write with a poison pen
But these chemicals moving between us
Are the reason to start again
Now I'm holding on for dear life
There's no way that we could rewind
Maybe there's nothing after midnight
That could make you stay
But now that I'm broken
And now that you know it
Caught up in a moment
Can you see inside?
'Cause I've got a jet black heart
And there's a hurricane underneath it
Trying to keep us apart
I write with a poison pen
But these chemicals moving between us
Are the reason to start again
The blood in my veins
Is made up of mistakes
Let's forget who we are
And dive into the dark
As we burst into color
Returning to life
'Cause I've got a jet black heart
And there's a hurricane underneath it
Trying to keep us apart
I write with a poison pen
But these chemicals moving between us
Are the reason to start again
The blood in my veins
Is made up of mistakes (to start again)
Let's forget who we are
And dive into the dark

After the song ended I sat back up again, and that's when I spotted Bucky and Steve sitting at the desk on the opposite side of the glass.

I was going to get hell for this.

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