Bloody hell

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Really, I was so close, hardly forty feet. And HE had to blow it, that birdbrain of an assassin.
"I'm sorry kid, but you need to come with us," he tried to sound kind and convincing, but I saw through his whole nice guy facade.
"No, I'm sorry. Because that's not going to happen." I stood my ground, sighing he drew back his bow training in on me. I wasn't scared, his arrows couldn't hurt me and besides he wouldn't kill me if he wanted me alive.
His fingers let go of the arrow and it flew through the air, making a beeline for my chest, the closer it came the easier it was for me to see that the arrow was blunt. Still if it was sharp it wouldn't even pierce my skin, it's imperial, like vibranium.
Just before the arrow connected with my chest I ducked and ran at him, claws still out and fangs ready to rip through flesh if need be. This obviously took him by surprise, but he recovered from the shock quickly and drew more arrows and shot them, I dodged every single one of them. When I came within five feet of him I started thrashing at him until my vibranium cladded fingers collided with his arm, leaving three large slits cut deep in the skin, crimson blood seeped out from the wound. He didn't seem overly fazed by it though. Still I continued scratching him until I found the perfect chance to get away.

When I did he didn't even have the chance to draw anymore arrows- which he had ran out off- he had no choice but to watch me run off to freedom.

As soon as I passed the gates which separated the outside world from within, the fresh air hit me like a bullet, it felt wonderful, inside I had been breathing borrowed air, I had been living on borrowed time. Out here I could be free, my life could be my own, for the first time in two years I was hopeful for what might have come.

I was surrounded my woods, as far as I could see it was just a dense forest. So I did what anyone else would do, I ran, ran in one direction and refused to stop even when my heart felt as though it was on fire and my chest felt ready to explode, I refused to stop even when my legs felt as if they would fall off at any given moment. I didn't even stop when my eyes stung as though a wasp was stabbing them from the wind. How could I stop running when for the first time in far to long I had been given the chance to.

Branches cut through the thin fabric of my shoes until I could feel every detail of the ground beneath my feet, they pulled at and dirtier the fabric of my Hydra issued sweater. I didn't care, I wanted rid of every part of my stay in that hell hole, I wanted rid of what they did to me, of what they made me do to others. Whilst running I passed a large quinjet, must have been what the Avengers used to get here. Inside I could see a faint sign of life, the shadow of a man, soon he came into view he was wearing a purple button up shirt and glasses, his brown curls looked messy and unkept and I could swear I saw a faint tint of green In his skin.

But I digressed, I kept running, running until the trees started to thin out and I came to a clearing, luscious grass spread out around me and a river of clear water ran not to far from where I stood. I walked over to it and reached down with my hands cupped and drank from it, the coldness of the water refreshed my dry throat. I actually let a few tears roll down my cheeks from the blissfullness of the meadow. I felt at peace just standing in it.

A roar echoed through the meadow and I ran for cover in the trees, I looked up to see the avengers quinjet flying overhead. The fight must have been over, my guess was that the avengers had won and would probably be looking for me. I could worry about them later, for now I wanted to focus on how to back to New York.

When the sun died that night I slept in the trees, well out of sight to anyone who might look for me. Starring up at the night sky I fully accepted that I was finally completely free.

I was free. Free at last.

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