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Darkness. That's the first thing jack sees when he opens his eyes. It's the first thing he remembers.

It was dark, and he was scared.

The ice above him starts to crack as jack floats out of the water, the moons light shining down on him. Seeming brighter then normal.

When jack saw the moon, the moon that was so big and so bright that it seemed to chase away the darkness, he wasn't scared anymore.

"Your name, is Jack Frost." The moon whispered to him. He's lowered down until his feet touch the ice, causing it to freeze over below him. He wiggles his toes, surprised to find himself not slipping on the ice. He looks around, confused and a bit disoriented.

He didn't understand why he was at the pond, what he was meant to do there. Then his eyes focus on his staff and he hurried to it, startling and dropping it when it turns blue under his touch.  The end touches the ice, causing frost to spread from its end in beautiful swirling patterns.

He laughs and lifts the staff up, twirling it in his hands before bringing it back down and watching the frost spiral and form. Then he's running, happily dragging the staff on the ground in an intricate frost design. He laughs and the wind blows him up, allowing him to look down at the pond and his frost creation.

"Wow..." Jack murmurs  to himself, floating back down. Surprised again at how his pads properly grip the ice. Usually he stumbled around like a foal, Emma and his parents teasing him-

Jack jolts, Emma! Where was she? He, he remembers bringing her skating and then, and then falling through the ice! Grabbing his staff jack rushes to the side of the pond where he left his boots, grabbing them and hurrying back home, not careing that he was leaving big rabbit footprints in the snow. His family would love this new power of his, the beautiful frost patterns could help his other when she knits and they could be sold at a higher price!

He stops mid-step, ears and nose twitching, where was his home again? He couldn't remember. Jack scratches his head, glancing around the forest to try and remember the way home.

He decides to head to the village, that way it would be easier to find his home. He turns in a new direction, happily moving quickly. He thinks he's going on the right direction.

He breaths a sigh of relief when he sees the lights of the town, slowing down and steadying his pace to walk normally and without the little hops. He starts to limp, not liking how his feet seemed to have gotten a bit bigger for his boots.

The village is all hustle and bustle even during the night, children running around playing with dogs, people walking and talking, men fixing their homes and fanning the fires within.

"Oh, uh, hey hi excuse me but-" jack starts, talking to a little boy only to have him run right through jacks body. Jack gasps, feeling winded, as he tries to take a proper breath.

The boy... the boy had just walked through him.

He had stopped and then other people started to walk through him, men and women and even the dog. Each person made the winded feeling get worse and worse.

He backs up, standing on a path out of the village and watching the people walk around, watches them walk home.

Jack needed to go home but where was home? He had to get back to his family! He... he had a family right?

He swallows thickly, unable to remember his parents other then the slightest blurr. He yanks down his hood, trying to get proper breaths in as his panic increases.

His eyes are called to a window and he focuses on his reflection, staring at a white fluffy face. He untied his ears and watched as they rose up, the tips a light blue just like his paws.

He knew he hadn't always been white and he definitely knew that his family weren't like him. They weren't rabbits, they were humans.

Then did his family want him back?

He turns and limps forward a bit before pulling off the boots. His feet feel strange on the snow and dirt but it felt natural too. Jack continues walking until he finds his way back to the pond he had come out of. He stares at its frozen surface before dropping the boots to the ground. He settles himself on the floor, making sure he was fully covered by his cloak except for his head, and stared out at the sky.

The moon was silent now, dull in the sky unlike how it had been before. His staff lay on the ground in front of him and jack stared. He stared until the sun replaced the moon and the pond started to warm and melt.

When voices started to grow he pulled his hood up, keeping his ears tucked down against his back. He didn't need the string to hold them down, his own sadness was enough.

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