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He didn't know where he came from, or how he got there but all he knew was that he was cold and by something hard that smelt strange. It smelt fresh?

He stayed curled up, ears pressed down against his back to keep them warm as white stuff continued to fall. He didn't remember ever seeing it before and the new experience plus the cold made him tremble. Due to the weird white stuff and wind he didn't hear the person approaching and jumped when they appeared.

She, at least she smelled like a female, didn't have any fur besides what on the top of her head. He cried out in fear, trying to get away as she got closer.

"Hello there!" She says softly, her voice calm and comforting. She draws him in and soon she's turning back to her home talking all the while and smiling at the replies she gets in turn.

Her parents, having seen the tan kit, fainted the second he spoke up. They stayed down for a good five minutes before rising shakily to their feet, crowding around their daughter to look at rabbit. He spoke softly, brokenly, but they fell in love with the tiny thing.

They kept him, treated him as their own, and watched as the rabbit slowly got bigger. As it started walking around on two legs instead of four. His growth was rapid and within a month he was the same size as the overlands daughter, as his sister.

The rabbit grew happily with his family, helping them scavenge for food and using his great sense of hearing to hunt during the winter. The overlands didn't go hungry, nor did they freeze during the winter because the rabbits shedding coat was turned into sweaters and gloves and hats.

They survived because of their son. They survived because of jack.

It was when he grew older, almost taller then both adults, did the problems arise.

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