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a/n: quick reminder: some of the dialogue was taken straight from the movie so it will be in italics :)

anyway, I'm really still trying to keep jacks goofy and sarcastic personality in place even with the extra trauma added on top so yea lmk what u think :)

It hurts to be around Jamie when there was the slightest hope his joyride could have caused him to believe in Jack only for it to have been thrown away for the tooth fairy in an instant, but he knows he wouldn't stay away for long, he cared about the kid. He wanted to make him smile, hear him laugh. Make sure he slept safe, although Sandman was already taking control of that part, the golden strands already all spread throughout the town.

Jack spent more time than he realized watching the Sandman's dream sand spread all throughout Burgess, giving the children wonderful dreams of whatever. He wondered what it was like, the Sands creations always looked so calming, happy, and relaxing.

He wasn't sure if he's ever actually had one of Sandmans sand caused dreams, with him being a guardian he knew every child he sent out his dream sand to and Jack wasn't sure if he himself counted as a child when he was alive; he wasn't human.

He walks along the telephone poles and their wires, mind elsewhere as he hums softly in the dark. He had long hidden away his rabbit features but kept his hood up as he walked out of habit. He knew he should probably move along, bring the storm he had brought down on Burgess to other areas for more snow days for the kids, but the thought of more children unknowingly enjoying his storm, created out of anger and not-so-nice emotions, made his stomach buzz in an unhappy way. He wasn't a newly turned spirit, he should have more control over his powers than that, emotional snow storms are dangerous snow storms.

He's pulled out of his thoughts when he catches sight of sharp movement out of the corner of his eye, the thing darting within the shadows caused by the trees, buildings, and street lights. He narrows his eyes, warring within himself on whether or not to check out exactly what it is.

Shadows acting strange almost always meant Pitch, which meant a bad time all around, and another creepy monologue about something stupid from the monotone man. The thing moves too fast to be Pitch, he realizes (and slightly hopes) and gives chase, curiosity winning out as he leaps from trees to rooftops to cars, louder on his human feet than if he had been in his normal form.

He tries to keep his emotions in control, clinging onto the curiosity over the slight fear and anxiety he feels chasing after some unknown being. He holds his staff out in front of him, eyes still narrowed as the thing ends up in an alleyway between two different buildings. He spins slowly, taking in the space he's in as he tries to find what exactly caught his attention. His skin itched with the desire to change back, the emotion-filled day not helping his control in the slightest.

There's a slight scuffle, another movement, and Jack does not hesitate to shoot off a blast of ice in hopes of stopping whatever it is from escaping before he can get a proper look at it.

The loud "bloody hell," he gets for his actions makes him tense up, fear filling his body. He knows that voice. He's frozen to the spot, thinking over everything he's done today that could warrant Bunny searching him out. He steps back, his skin crawling with the need to run, with the desire to change back and hide in a hole far, far away from the other male.

He's not sure if he'd rather deal with Pitch or the easter bunny.

"Of course you'd be the same, ruining my holiday back in '86, and attacking me now?" Bunny's voice pipes up behind him and he holds back a screech as he jumps, twirling around to point his staff at the rabbit again.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2023 ⏰

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