Fun times

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There's the new schedule! Any and all finished chapters will be posted every Sunday. Chapters might not come out for specific stories Bc school work and other stuff etc etc, small chapter Ik but enjoy even tho only a little bit of people read this thank you to them tho so pls comment and tell me what you think 😊

With the new disguise, Jack was able to leave the home with his sister and meet other kids. The village instantly believed he was Emma's older brother even though the boy was actually younger.

Enjoying the beauty of the town during the afternoon and spending most of the day at school, Jack flourished. His speech, reading and writing improved and  so did his behavior as he grew happier and happier.

"I love you jack." His sister would whisper day and night whenever they had to part. She was always so excited to see him at the end of the day.

Not only did the disguise allow jack to go to school, it allowed him to go hunting with his father during the weekends. With jacks impressive hearing he was able to pinpoint animals a mile away from them, weather they be deer or some type of rodent they wouldn't stand a chance against his hearing.


It was when their mother fell ill that thing started to go wrong.

Knowing what type of Berries and mushrooms were needed to help her get better, Jack left the home without his disguise before sunset. He didn't care if he was seen, his mother would die without the proper medicine and his father needed to take care of her to prevent anyone else in the family from catching the same infection. 

Emma would be the one to fill water up into the bucket and then place it over the fire to start a boil.

Hopping through the forest on the balls of his feet, Jack managed to find the cave where the berries he needed grew in abundance and quickly filled up the basket he had brought with him before venturing further into the cave to get the mushrooms needed.

He freezes when voices echo back to where he stood, ears up and alert as panic floods into his system. Without listening to what was being said Jack rushes deeper into the cave, hoping to whatever god was out there that the cave had a back exit and he practically melts in relief when he sees the dying light of the sun shine through a small opening near the back. It was just big enough to fit the basket through, barley big enough for himself but he managed to squeeze out of the small crevice and then was rushing back to his family.


He had managed to get home and then the fruits and fungi was steamed and then placed at his mothers bedside where she drank a cup full before falling asleep.

Thankfully the mix worked and within the week she was back up and on her feet, thanking both children immensely for what they had done.

Jack just couldn't shrug off the feeling of fear for his mother, and the way he felt free last night without his disguise to hide himself.

He wanted to feel like that all over again.

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