Tired of love

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Based in the song above ❤️
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The heat of this desert in the middle of fucking nowhere is so irritating.
Where is he.
Theo's mind consumed itself with overlapping thoughts.
Should I tell him. I don't know if today is the right day or if now is the right time.
He was interrupted by the feeling of sudden pressure on his upper back, causing him to fall of the swing onto his knees.
"what the fuck!" He exclaimed, turning around to see what it was. Or who it was.
"Hey Potter! Didn't mean to scare you. Actually on second thought, I did. Looks like it worked." Boris chuckled to himself.
"Oh. Hey."
"Look what I brought," Boris raises the bottle of tequila in his hand up to the sky, along with a ziplock bag filled with what seemed to be pot. "We are for sure getting high tonight." He added.
"Where'd you get the money to pay for the weed?"
"I didn't. I stole it from some dude on my way here. I was kinda bummed thinking we only had a bottle of booze, but now we got this!"
"Yea. Cool." Theo responded, his previous thoughts still on his mind. "Hey wanna go back to my place? It's fucking boiling out here."
"Sounds good to me."

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Why do I have to feel this way about him. Why can't my heart stop jumping out of my chest every time I lay my eyes on him. Why do I have to get the urge to strangle Kotku every time he answers her call.
Why is it so hard to love someone.
"Hey Potter come here." Boris whispers.
"I'm sitting right in front of you want do you want?"
Boris takes a puff of the joint and leans in.
Is he trying to- kiss me?
Theo leans in as well out of curiosity. Expecting a kiss.
But instead all he feels is hot air gliding against his cheeks as Boris blows the smoke into his face and laughs to himself. Not noticing the disappointed expression on Theo's face.
What did I think was gonna happen. Why am I such an idiot.
Theo takes a big gulp of the booze, trying to push down the pain, not understanding why it had to hurt so bad.
"Hey it's pretty late. I think I should get to bed." Theo says, getting up and starting to head towards the stairs.
"I'll come with! My dad's home so I was kinda hoping to spend the night?"
"Don't you have plans with her."
"Nah. She ended up canceling."
So I'm his back up plan. Feels great.
"Oh ok. Sure then." Theo tries to say while not showing his annoyance. It didn't work though.
"Are you pissed about something? You've been in a mood all day."
"No of course not."
Boris ends up brushing it off, and they head up the creaky stairs.

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Each boy lays on opposite sides of the bed.
Theo slightly shivers as he feels hot breaths brush against his back. Such a safe, and familiar feeling.
It's never gonna happen. I have to face it. It wrong for me to even think of my best friend in that way. How could I be so disgusting.
Tears begin trickling down his flushed cheeks. Negative thoughts overtaking his mind one at a time, slowly getting worse.
Boris wakes up after hearing quiet sniffles.
"Potter? What's wrong?" Boris whispers.
He feels an arm wrap around him. For a split second all his worries are forgotten. Boris's touch against his skin made him melt into himself, wanting to feel like this forever.
It didn't last long though. All the negative feeling rush back. Hitting even harder then before, knowing the way he feels will never be reciprocated.
"Please. Tell me. What's bothering you? I could tell you haven't been well lately."
"It's not important. Just go back to sleep."
"Is it me? Did I do something?"
I can't keep doing. I can't keep pretending like everything is fine. It's not.
"Oh 'did I do something' my ass." Theo replied with a frustrated tone. He sat up putting his head into his hands.
"I don't underst-"
"Do you really want to be here? Because I'm sure if Kotku called you right now you would run right over wouldn't you? I bet you wouldn't even hesitate to pack up your shit and leave me here all alone."
"Potter What has gotten into you?"
Silence filled the room.
Theo began to sob. He snapped out of his anger and realized what he'd done.
"I- I'm sorry. It's not your fault. I just can't take it anymore. I can't keep feeling this way! It's eating me alive. You're all I think about every second of the day and I just want it to stop! I just can't-"
"What the fuck are you talking about?"
"You. Its you. It's always you. You know what? I'm so tired. So tired of having these perfect scenarios in my head where you dump your bitch of a girlfriend and it's just me and you. Your arms wrapped around me. Feeling your skin glide against mine. Your eyes looking at me. You feeling the same way."
"Listen, I-"
"But I know you don't. And that's what hurts the most. Knowing she has you. Knowing that your hers, and not mine.
"Potter please-"
"I've tried. Believe me, I tried pushing it away. Tried to get over this; tried to get over you. I just can't keep doing this. So I'm sorry. Sorry it had to be this way. I guess it's best if we just go our separate ways. Because I know I will not stop as long as you are here."
Theo's eyes filled with tears.
I can't believe I just said all of that. Now he knows. I can't take it back.
"Please say something..."
"Potter. I broke up with her this morning."
A quick pause occurred.
"Don't do that. Don't pity me. That's not your job."
"No. I'm serious. Why do you think she 'canceled'. I told her that I don't feel the same anymore."
"Well guess what. It changes nothing anyway. Why would you tell me that? To get my hopes up and two seconds later tell me you still see me as a friend? That's so fucking sick, you know that? What is your point of stringing me along, huh?"
"It's not like that."
"Boris I can't take this pain anymore. Just get to the point, say what you want to say and let's be done with this. We'll go our separate ways and I won't bother you again."
"Theo. I-I feel the same."
"I get those feelings too. You're all I think about. That's why I broke up with her. She could tell that my mind was somewhere else. She confronted me about it. So I confessed. I told her that there was someone else. Someone else I couldn't help but fall in love with.
I love you, potter."
The tension was building up. All Theo could do was close the small gap between them.
Their lips collided. Both boys finally feeling relieved. This is what they've been waiting for.
Boris pulled away and took a brief pause.
"You're so fucking beautiful."
A dark maroon blush appeared upon Theo's cheeks.
"Shut the fuck up" he said with a giggle.
Their lips reconnect.
Only the feeling or pure lust remained in their beating hearts.

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Finally!!!! I fucking finished it!!  I hope you guys like it. THERE WILL MOST LIKELY BE A PART TWO BTW OF THE SMUT SO STAY TUNED! But yea thank you guys so much for waiting I hope this was worth it. I worked really hard on this chapter and I'm so proud of it. I hope to keep up this quality.
Btw about the update schedule:
I will be updating on Sundays at 6pm EST!
I hope to stick to this schedule so that u guys can be caught up on the stories. So yea that's pretty much it. Thank you for reading !! ❤️

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