One of those nights

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A/n Here I go.. writing another one.

Theo's POV:

The night sky had never looked so bright. Maybe it's just because it was way less cloudy than usual today. I felt very at peace.
We were laying side by side on the bumpy pavement on which I had scraped my knee on a few days ago. That shit hurt.
He was right there. Right next to me. Just where I wanted him.
My mind was all over the place. Maybe it was the booze. Or the acid from yesterday still somewhere in my system.
A routine like this had become pretty common for us.
Get up.
Get high.
Do more dumb shit.
And then get drunk again at my house.
I'm not complaining though. I loved these nights. Specifically because of one thing that usually happened later. That was the part I looked forward to. Maybe it was just the vodka hitting me.
We've been laying here, Near the pool for a while now. Just fucking around.
I turn to my side to look at Boris.
"Hey." He replies.
I start moving closer towards him I began kissing on his jawline. Damn he is so fucking hot.
"Are you sure we should be doing this right now." He said hesitantly.
I pulled back. What? He didn't want to? Was it something I did?
"Why? Did I do something wrong?"
"No it's just-. Potter, we only do shit like this when we're high or drunk or whatever. Is it even worth it if we can't remember it the next day?"
"What are you talking about? We're just fucking around it not a big-"
"It is a big deal Theo. How come you never wanna do this shit when you're sober?"
Theo. He just called me Theo. He never calls me that.
"It's because I'm not fucking gay!"
"Then what do nights like these mean to you?"
"I- I don't know."
"Well they mean a lot to me. You mean a lot to me. I just don't know if the feeling is mutual."
"Boris. Please. I care a lot about you. I just don't wanna be seen as a fucking faggot, ok! I don't want to admit that kind of thing! And when your high, this shit doesn't count."
"Oh so 'this shit doesn't count'. Right. Well you know what I'm gonna head home."
"No Boris wait!"
He disappeared into the street.
I just made such a shitty mistake. Maybe I am gay. I don't know how to explain how I feel about him. And I just screwed this whole thing up.
Well here I am. Sitting on the pavement with an empty vodka bottle in my hand.
"FUCK!" I threw the bottle at the brick wall in rage. Why do I have to be such a fucking idiot.

-time skip-

I've been laying here. Alone this time. The glass shards from the shattered bottle still scattered on the floor. Dried up tears coating my cheeks.
I love him. I don't know what that means. But I know I can't live without him in my life. I get up off of my lazy ass and start heading towards his house. The starts lighting up the pathway. My steps getting heavier and heavier as I approach his front porch
There I was. Standing at his door.
*knock knock knock*
A sleepy Boris stands at that door. Immediately as he opens it. I jump into his arms. The thought of not being able to see him anymore made me miss him even more. I needed to touch him.
"What the fuck? You can't just come barging in pretending things are ok when you know they're not!"
A moment of silence.
"I love you."
"I love you so fucking much Boris. Just the thought of not being able to seeing you made me fucking depressed. I don't want this to be just 'one of those nights'. I'm ready for it to be much more."
"Theo you can't just say something you don't mean. How do I know your not doing this shit for one more night like the others.
"You're gonna have to trust me then."
I leaned in and our lips collided.
He tasted like cheap liquor and cigarette smoke. And for some reason. I liked it.
We made our way to his bedroom without breaking contact. He cupped my jaw with one hand while the other rested on my hip bone. Both of my hands rested upon his shoulders. I felt so much comfort. Him being so close by.
He pins me against the wall.
My hand travelled up to his black curls as I started tugging on them.
This night is gonna be fun. More than the others have been. It wasn't 'one of those nights' anymore. It was so much more.

A/n I know I cut this off and left kind of a cliffhanger. But I'll put out a part 2 of the smutty part sometime soon. Thanks for reading !!

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