"Update" i guess kinda lol..

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Hey guys. I just wanted to kinda update y'all on the situation of this book. AND ITS NOT WHAT YOU THINK IT IS!! I'm NOT closing this story. I'm trying my best to put out a good update so that it would be worth the wait. This break really is helping me tho. I felt very proud of my first chapter and then after that I look back on the other ones and they fucking suck. I feel like it's because I was really trying to update every or every other day and it's just very rushed. And I don't want that. I want to make my stories longer, and be proud of each chapter I put out instead of putting it out just for the sake updating. So from now on, updates are gonna be much less frequent. Also part of the reason is my work and school. I'm graduating soon so I have a lot to work on and I'm working so many shifts to try to save up for uni. So yes. I want to have more time to make my stories better, more interesting, longer, and overall more well written. And I just wanted to kinda explain.

I will be uploading a new chapter soon and I'm actually really proud of it so far.

I'm really sorry for the wait but I feel like I really needed this break to kinda process stuff and get things in order. Thanks for understanding.


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