Chapter 34

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3 months later I'm standing at the end of an isle in Granny's waiting for Regina to be walking in with her arm around her father's as he walks her down the isle to me. Ruby was right, Granny let us get married at the diner where Regina and I first met. All the tables were cleared out and the chairs were used for the seats on both sides of the isle. I asked Ruby to be my maid of honor while Regina asked Dorothy to be hers. Ruby is wearing a beautiful red dress but I hate dresses so I'm in what Regina called a very flattering black pant suit with a slim black tie. "Emma we are ready to get started".  "Ok thanks Archie".  Dr. Archie Hopper is an ordained minister and has performed many weddings. Archie, Ruby and I take our places as the music begins. Everyone quickly takes their seats. "Shit. I'm scared Rubes".  "Fuck off Ems. I know you want this more than anything in the world. Take a deep breath and everything will be fine". I nod. I love Ruby she doesn't sugarcoat anything. The curtain that was set up to separate the diner and the B&B was opened and out walked Dorothy in a lovely dark blue dress. I smile as she walks to the end to met us and then I see the curtains move again. On shit. It's really happening now. Out steps Henry and Regina. Gosh she looks so beautiful. I can't help but get emotional as they walk towards me. She's in a gorgeous white wedding gown and a perfect little tiara in her dark hair. When they finally reach me Henry kisses my cheek and gives me Regina's hand. He kisses her cheek and then takes his seat next to Cora in the front row. Regina and I smile at each other and Archie starts the ceremony. He speaks for a few minutes about love and honesty and what commitment means. He says a bunch of nice things about Regina and I and then he asks us to recite our vows. "Emma would you like to go first?"  I nervously nod. My voice is shaky as I speak. "Regina the morning you walked into this diner I looked at you and you took my breath away. When Granny asked me to show you around I loved it. We hit it off right from the start. That night we went out and I new I wanted to see you again and again. You are unlike anyone I have ever met. You know me. The real me and you don't judge me in any way for who I am. Thank you for loving me Regina. I know in life it's hard to keep promises, so today with everyone here watching us my promise to you is to try. I promise to try to love you in the way you deserve to be loved. I promise to try to make you happy. When you have a bad day I promise to hold you and listen to you if you need to vent or cry or scream. I love you Regina today and everyday that comes along". Tears are falling from both our eyes. "That was lovely Emma. Regina would you like go go now?"  "Gees Archie, how could I possibly top that?  Can I just say ditto?"  Regina must be really nervous because she hardly jokes in serious situations. A quiet laughter comes from our guests. "Oh Emma my love. Everything you just said took the words right out of my mouth. You are so right about everything. I except your promise to try if you except mine". I smile and nod quickly. "Emma you have been my first and only love. My first everything, and I can't wait till we have more firsts together. Babies, anniversaries and first birthdays and first steps, first days of school. I want that all with you Emma. Thank you for loving me because I love you so much and I never want to let you go".  She leaps in my arms and hugs me. We both are crying. Archie clears his throat and we remember that we need to finish the ceremony. Regina and I separate. "That was absolutely beautiful ladies, and now it's time for the rings". Ruby hands Archie the ring for Regina and Dorothy gives Archie the ring for me. "These rings are a symbol of the love that you both share and to signify that you two are now one. Emma please take this ring and place it on Regina's left ring finger and repeat after me". He hands me the ring and I take Regina's hand. "Regina I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and fatefulness from now to the end of our days". I repeat the words looking right in Regina's eyes and I mean every word. "Regina would you please place this ring on Emma's left ring finger and repeat after me". Regina does and then places the ring on my finger. "Now if anyone as any objection as to why these two should not be married let them speak now or forever hold their peace". I swear if Cora says anything I will shoot her dead later. I just close my eyes and think that to myself. No one said a word. "Then by the power invested in me by the state of Maine. I pronounce that you both are now legally married. You both may kiss the bride". I don't even wait for Archie to finish the sentence before I take Regina in my arms and kiss her with everything I have. Everyone was clapping for us even Cora. Music starts to play again and Regina and I walk down the isle and go into the B&B area. We kiss again.  "We did it babe. Finally I can call you my wife".  "I love you sweetheart. Thank you for making me so happy Emma". We kissed again then we went back to where everyone else is. They all clapped again as we entered the room. We chatted with everyone for a little while then it was time for us to back home for our reception. We had lights and tables beautifully set up in our backyard. We had a wonderful sit down dinner. It started off with a dinner salad and warm rolls. Then we were all served baked stuffed chicken breasts with roasted red potatoes and grilled asparagus. There was also gravy and cranberry sauce on the side. Everything was delicious. When dinner was over the waitstaff cleared the tables and it was time to cut our wedding cake. We had already promised that we wouldn't smash it in each other's face. Of course our friends tried to egg us on but we didn't do it. I wanted to but Regina would have been so pissed at me and that is definitely not how I want to start off my marriage. After that it was time to party. We went with our upscale carnival theme and our wedding planner did an amazing job with the set up. We had 2 different kinds of photo booths. One was like what you would find at an arcade that takes 4 black & white photos. The other was set up with a big sign with "kissing Booth" written on it. There were a few other booths also set up to win little stuffed animals. It was such a fun time. The DJ was playing great music all night. We danced, played games, and ate a few snacks the waitstaff was walking around with. There was even a spiked lemonade stand for drinks. The night was just incredible. Exactly what Regina and I wanted. By 10:30 the DJ ended and pretty much everyone was gone. The catering staff was breaking everything down and packing up. Regina and I along with Ruby and Dorothy had all changed into something more comfortable than our wedding clothes and sat around our backyard patio having a few drinks and chatting. A few moments later our wedding planner came walking over. "Sorry interrupt. We're all cleaned up. We have all the leftover toys and stuffed animals in the van and will be divided up and brought over to the woman's shelter, children's hospital and the community center. We left your table right wanted it and on top of the table is all your cards and gifts". Regina and I stood up to thank her and shake her hand. "Thank you so much for everything you did.  It turned out just the way Regina and I wanted it".  "You are very welcome. We are so glad you liked it. If there is anything we can do for you just let us know".  "We will thank you". She smiles and congratulates us again before she walks away. Ruby and Dorothy helped us in the house with the cards and gifts then they headed off home. In the morning Regina and I went through the cards and gifts. We had many lovely gifts and the cards had many donations to the 3 charities that chose. When we added everything up we were able to donate 5 thousand dollars to each of our charities the Storybrooke animal shelter, the community center and the children's hospital. Later Regina and I were in the kitchen finishing up our breakfast when the door bell rang. I was done but Regina still had a few more bites to go so I said I'd get the door. When I opened it I was surprised to see Cora standing there alone. "Hello Cora. What can I do for you?"  "I'm sorry to disturb you but I was hoping that I could see you and Regina for a moment".  "Well that's up to Regina but please come in. We are in the kitchen having breakfast". Cora stands in the foyer and says. "Could you please ask Regina if it's ok that I speak to her?  I'll wait here".  "Sure. I'll be right back". I walk on the kitchen and Regina looks up at me. "Who was at the door darling?"  "Well, it's your mom babe. She would like to speak to us as long as it's ok with you". She takes a deep breath and lets it out. "Fine. I'll give her a few minutes". I nod and go get her. Cora and I walk in the kitchen. "Can I get you a cup of coffee Cora?"   "No thank you Emma. I don't want to take up to much of your time. You both just got married".   "So what can we do for you mother?"  "Well I'm sorry that your father couldn't join me this morning, he had to fly off to New York for a business meeting. I asked him if this was ok to do and liked the idea very much".  "And what would that be mother?"  I feel Regina getting tense so I take hold of her hand and squeeze it. "Well your father and I would like to match all donations to all 3 of your charities".  "Wow Cora. Are you serious?"   "Yes Emma, completely serious. I could just use your help to help to know how much and who to make the checks out to".  "Thank you Cora and we will definitely call Henry to say thank you as well".  Regina didn't have much to say. I not sure if she's shocked or still angry with her mother so I took Cora into the living room and showed her the 3 piles that go to each charity. "All 3 of them are 5 thousand dollars each. Are you sure you want to do this Cora?"  "Yes. I am Emma. I need to make things right with everyone. I really have changed in the last few months since Henry took everything away from me". She makes out the checks and puts them in the piles that we made earlier for our charities. "Is that all Emma, is there any other charities that you wanted to donate to?"   "Well Cora of course every place needs donations, I was just hoping to help those that don't have anything and that don't have a voice like the sick kids, the animals and less fortunate kids. Thank you for this Cora. What you and Henry have done was a very good thing". Cora gets ready to leave and actually gives me a hug. Regina saw and heard everything from the foyer and we see her as I walk Cora to the door. "Oh hey babe. Your mom just made the donations. That's awesome right?"   "Yes it is dear. Thank you mother. My wife and I definitely appreciate it. Thank you so much for stop by to do this".  I walk Cora to the door and she leaves without another word. When I close the door I turn around and look at Regina. "Are you ok babe?"   "Yes. I'm just surprised at my mother. It seems like she's really trying".  The rest of the day Regina and I just spent cuddling together and having intimate married couple moments. Then on Monday we will leave for our 2 week honeymoon to Ireland.

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