Chapter 31

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Regina and I go to our bedroom and change. I watch her the whole time. I can't help but start to become aroused. She has her back facing me and I see her naked toned body just begging to be touched. She turns around to pick up my over sized t-shirt that she usually wears to bed. As she's about ready to put it on she stops to look at me. "Emma what's wrong? Why are you still dressed?"  "Sorry babe but I couldn't help watching you. I swear you get more incredible looking everyday". Her face instantly blushes and she looks adorable. I walk to her and put my hands on her waist. Her skin feels so warm. "I know your a little stressed out after that whole thing with your mother so I was just thinking, how about we take a nice hot bubble bath together and I can massage your back and neck to help you relax". She smiles and kissed me. "That sounds absolutely wonderful sweetheart. I'll go start the water while you get ready for me". She kisses me again and struts off to our bathroom as I watch her go. "Fuck babe. Your slowly killing me babe". Her laugh echoes as she enters the bathroom. I'm still standing there after a good 2 minutes. "Emma the tub is filling up, I hope you are almost ready".  "Shit". I jump and start to quickly undress and toss my clothes everywhere. I walk in the bathroom and Regina eyes me up and down. I see her lick her lips. "Why don't you test the water my love and if it's ok get in". I put my hand in the bubbly water and it's so nice and warm. "I think it's fine babe". I get in and slowly sit down against the back of our big tub. It easily fits Regina and I and could fit another couple comfortably. I would never ever want to share her and I couldn't ever be with another the way I am with her. She sees me thinking about something and asks if I'm ok. "I'll be a whole lot better once you get in here to join me". She gives me her award winning smile and steps into the tub and sits down in front of me. She lays her back against my chest and lets out a hum that means she's starting to relax. I sit up just a bit so we are closer. I put the back of my hands up against my knees with my palms up and we hold each other's hands. I kiss her cheek then her neck. "Hmm Emma. You can always relax me".  "How about I use the loofah on your back babe, it'll help you relax some more".  "Hmm".  Is all that comes out. I lean over and grab the loofah and our lavender vanilla liquid soap. I put a little dot on the sponge, wet it a bit more and start to rub it against Regina's back and shoulders. I move around the front of her neck and move slowly across her breasts. Making sure to apply a little more pressure to her nipple area. Her head falls back onto my shoulder. "Ahh Emma hmm".  It all comes out as breathless words. She grabs the loofah from me and tossed it to the other side of the tub. She takes my hands and places them on her breasts. She squeezes her hands over mine and lets out a moan. This is a new thing she's doing and it's fuckin' hot as hell. "Emma I need more sweetheart". She takes my right hand and moves it between her legs. "I know you know what to do my love. I need this so much please".  She's practically begging me and I would never say no to her. I start running my fingers through her folds all the way up to her clit and then I make small circles around it. "Shit Em".  She breaths out again. I move my hand back down and up again. "Keep going baby. I need more. Please".  I kiss her neck and say. "Babe I'll give you anything you want".  I move my fingers faster and she's enjoying the feeling. "You want my fingers inside babe?"   "Ahh fuck. Not. Shit. Not yet. Keep doing Hmm. That. Yes. That".  I do as asked and a quick moment later she cums hard as she's laying with her back on my chest. She moves my hand away as she pants out against me. I give her a few minutes to come down. She eventually turns her head and kisses my lips. "You ok babe?"   "Hmm. I'm better than ok my love. Thank you".  "No need to thank me babe. I love seeing you satisfied".  She kisses me passionately then says. "I also love seeing you satisfied my love and if this thing poking me in the back is a sign, I think you also need some satisfaction".  I give her a sweet tender kiss and say. "Babe I'm ok, we don't have to if you feel like your all done".  She moves and turns around to straddle me. Her right hand grabs hold of my cock and starts to stroke me. "Oh no my love, I definitely want more and I definitely want you". She kisses me again. "Don't you want me Emma?"  "Regina I swear I will always want you in every way till the day I die". She kisses me. "Good". She lifts up a bit and lines my cock up to her opening. I slide right in and she closes her eyes and we both enjoy the feeling. She starts moving up and down on my lap. She starts off slowly then she moves faster and faster. The water is sloshing everywhere. We definitely have to clean up the bathroom later. We kiss each other hard as she keeps going up and down on my cock. I'm almost ready for my release and I can feel she also is. Before I knew it I felt her tighten around me as she started to cum and that sent me over my edge and I came hard inside her. "Emma. Emma. Oh god my love". Her body is jerking and her arms tighten around my neck. My arms are wrapped around her back. I rub her back up and down. "I got ya babe. I got ya. Always". She puts her head on my shoulder. "Emma I'm so tired".  "It's ok babe. Let's get out of the tub and dry off and take a nap ok?"  She nods against my shoulder. She moves back a bit and I move to stand up. I grab a towel and step out of the tub and dry off. "Ready to get out babe?"  Her eyes flutter as she nods. I help her out and grab a new towel to dry her off. When I'm done I pick her up and carry her to our bed and lay her down. I cover her with the sheet and blanket then kiss her. As I walk away she says. "No Emma. Please don't leave me".  "It's ok babe. I'm just gonna drain the tub and dry the floor then I'll be right back here with you. I'll never leave you".   "Hurry back my love". I kiss her lips and smile. I get up to quickly clean the bathroom and then get into bed with my soon to be wife. She's already sleeping so I wrap my arms around her from behind and be the big spoon that I know she loves and soon I drift off to sleep as well. We didn't sleep very long because Regina's cell phone started to ring. It woke us both up and she grabbed her phone off the nightstand. "It's my mother and I'm not answering it".  She lets it go to voicemail and rolls over to face me. "Hello my love". We kiss. "Hey babe". We kiss again and her phone starts ringing again. She doesn't even move. "Are you gonna answer that babe?"  "Nope. I'm not moving from this spot with you my love".  I kiss her lips. "Good cause I'm happy right where we are".  We snuggle in together and then the door bell rings. "Are you fuckin' kidding me?"   Regina almost never uses profanity so she must be pissed off. "I know that's my damn mother and I didn't want to see her".  "It's ok. I'll go downstairs and tell her your sleeping". I get out of bed and put on some boxers and sweatpants and a sports bra. I open the door. "Hello Cora. What can I do for you?"  "I'd like to see my daughter please".  "Regina and I were just taking a nap. She's still sleeping. Is there anything I can help you with?"   "Yes Emma actually you can. I know you came up with is this ridiculous circus wedding idea. You need to shut it down now. That is so below Regina's standing. How could you both amount to anything with this ridiculous way of thinking?"   "Wow Cora that's really a low blow. I know I come from a different background than Regina but I thought you approved of our relationship".  "That was actually all Henry. He likes to see good in people. I can already tell how people are".  "Oh and how am I Cora?"  She lets out what seems like an evil laugh. "You my dear are nothing but a nobody who is trying to cling on to my lifestyle and money. I saw it the moment I met you, but my husband saw something else. Something I will never understand".  "I don't want your lifestyle or you damn money Cora. I told Henry that a while ago".   "Good Emma because I put a stop to everything. You will get nothing when you marry my daughter. You will be basically poorer than you are right now".  "Alright mother that's enough. Leave Emma alone". Regina comes walking down the stairs and to the front door. "How dear you say those awful things to her. Who the hell do you think you are?"  "Regina calm down. I'm just doing what's best for you. Until you brought up the clown wedding thing I was on your side, but now this must stop. Before you met Emma you could have been so much better than some ordinary special education teacher. Now look at you. If it wasn't for our money you two would be scraping the barrel just to get by".  Regina laughs right in her mother's face. "What do you mean "Our Money?"  Thats all my father's money. If I remember correctly. You had less than dollar when you talked my father into marring you. Didn't you actually tell him you were pregnant?  Whatever happened to that child mother?"  Cora then did something I never thought I'd see her do, she slapped Regina across the face and I pulled Regina back before another slap could come. "You ungrateful spoiled child. After everything I've done for you this is how you treat me. Go ahead Regina have your sideshow wedding. See how far that gets you in life when your father and I shut you off from everything. Have a nice life ladies". She laughs as she walks away.

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