Chapter 10

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The rest of the weekend was great. We didn't do much but it was definitely a nice getaway. When we got back to Storybrooke it was back to same routine. Work, go home, repeat the next day. It didn't take Ruby long before she noticed our Claddagh rings. I could tell she was happy for me and maybe a little jealous too. I ended up having a talk with her about the rings and she understood. Ruby  even shared some news of her own. She told me she started dating a girl named Dorothy. I suggested a double date soon.
A week later it was time to go back to school. Regina is on her way to pick me up. I can't believe it's the first day of school already. Its senior year for me, Regina, and all our classmates. Regina pulls up in front of my house and gets out of the car and walks over to me. "Good morning my love".  "Morning babe". We kiss and hug then I open the passenger door for her to get in. I put my bag in the backseat and go around to get into the drivers side. I start to drive towards the school and I let out a sigh. "What's wrong dear?"  "I can't wait to get this year over with". She laughs a little bit. "Emma we haven't even started the year yet".   "I know. I just hate going to school and sitting there for hours on end. I don't mind doing the work. I've always gotten good grades. I don't know it hard to explain".  "I think I understand. It's doing the same thing every day and the exact same time every day".  "Ya. That's it. It's like why is math at 11:15 every day?  What if I want to work on English at that time?"   "You should talk to you councilor about it. Maybe there are other options for school that you might like".  "Like what?"  "I don't know. Maybe home schooling or something".  "Ya but then I couldn't spend all day with you".  I look at her and we smile at each other. "I think your right though. I'll talk to Dr. Hopper today. Thanks for the idea". We get to school and I pull into a parking spot. I let out another sigh. "Relax sweetheart. Everything will be fine. Come on we still have some time before home room, let's go see if Dr. Hopper is available now".  I lean over and give her a kiss. "Your the best, you know that?"  "Yes I do". She says with a smile. We grab out bags and walk into the school. I see Dr. Hopper coming out the main office. "Hey Doc. Got a minute?"   "Oh good morning Emma. Of course. What's going on?"  "Well first. I'd like you to meet my girlfriend Regina Mills. She's a senior and just transferred here". They smile and shake hands. "So what can I help you with Emma?"  "Well you know how I always hated coming to school, well Regina suggested I talk to you and see if there are alternatives for me instead of coming in and sitting here every day. You know how much I hate that. We've talked about it a lot".  "Why don't we go over to my office and look a few things over and see if we can come up with something for you".  "Is it ok if Regina comes along, I told her I'd show her around before school starts".  "I'm fine with it if you are". We go to Dr. Hoppers office and have a seat. He pulls up my file on the computer and looks it over. "Wow Emma. You really have been a great student. According to this you only need 5 credits to graduate. That's wonderful".  "Really, how did I do that?"  "Well all your grades are great, plus you've done extra credit work and also all volunteering you've done over the years. Everything is counted".  "Ok. So what does this mean."  "Basically what you need to pass is English creative writing and biology". "Really can I do that, just take 2 classes?"   "Yes. That's all you need". "Awesome". I look at Regina she's smiling at me. "Hey Doc. What about Regina?"  He types a few buttons and reads something over. "Regina it looks like you only need 3 credits. All of your past classes were AP classes which offer more credits. You only need biology as well". Regina looks surprised. "So Doc what does this mean for us, do we just come in now for the classes we need and that's it?"  He smiles. "No Emma it's not that easy. First we need to figure out if this is something you both want, then I need to, along with all your teachers need to see if only taking just the classes you need to graduate is what's best for you both. It may take a week or so to get everything ironed out". When he said that I sagged in my seat. Regina noticed my change in demeanor and grabbed my hand. "Emma my love it will be ok, we can get through a week or so". I give a half smile and say. "Ok babe. I know your right". We both look at Dr. Hopper. "I suggest you both go to your normal classes for now and I'll contact you both".  "Really Doc?"   "Yes Emma. You have to go to class for now". I hear Regina laugh a little next to me, so I looked at her. "Sorry my love".  "It's fine babe. I guess I can handle a few weeks of classes if I get to not sit in a classroom for hours on end".  We leave Dr. Hoppers office and I showed Regina around school. The last stop was the cafeteria for a snack. When the bell rang we walk to home room together. Last week when we got our schedules, we compared them and we have most of our classes together.
The first day of school felt longer than it normally does. Maybe it was because Regina and I had our last 2 classes with different teachers. I had biology & gym class. Regina had political science & English Literature. After my gym class I took a shower and met Regina by her car. She was talking to an asshole. I call him an asshole because I know him. Robin Locksley. He's on the football team and thinks he's gods gift to women. I walk over and put an arm around Regina and give her a kiss on the cheek. "Sorry to interrupt babe. It takes forever to get out of gym class sometimes". She gives me a kiss. "Hello my love. Your not interrupting.  Robin just came over to introduce himself and welcome me to Storybrooke". I smile at my girlfriend then look at Robin. "That's very nice of you Robin, to make my girlfriend feel welcomed here. Thanks". We both glared at each other. "Ready to go babe?" I ask as I kiss her lips. "Yes dear. Let's go". I give Robin a cocky smile and he gives one back. I say. "See ya Rob". As I open the door for Regina then walk around and get in on the drivers side. As I leave the school parking lot I see Robin watching us in the rear view mirror and feel myself getting a little pissed. We've actually gotten into a fight over a girl before. More than once. I hate that asshole. After about 10 minutes of silence Regina starts to speak. "Emma are you upset about something? You seem a little off."  I take hold of her hand and lace our fingers together as I drive. "I'm fine babe but I'd like to talk to you when we get back to your house. It's nothing bad but I need to get something off my chest".  "Ok sweetheart". She smiles and holds my hand tighter.
We get to Regina's house and her parents aren't home yet. We go into the kitchen and have something to eat and drink. "So my love would you like to tell me what you'd like to talk about now?"  I take a bite of my ham and cheese sandwich and take a deep breath. Then I take a sip of the soda and look at my girlfriend. "Ok. So it so secret that I love you. I've told you many times and I'm not the controlling type of person, but I would really like it if you and Robin Locksley weren't ever alone together. I would actually prefer if you avoided him all together, but I'd never tell you what to do". She seems surprised by my words. "Emma he seems like a nice guy. Why are you saying this?"   "Because Regina I've dealt with him before. He treats women like shit. He's controlling and he's just. He's just an asshole". I get up from the table and throw my paper plate and the rest of my sandwich away. "All he wants is a piece of ass".  "Come on Emma. You can't be serious. I didn't get that vibe from him. He seems nice".  "Of course he does. He's not going to come right out and say it that he wants to bang you. He's going to try and charm you and sweep you off your feet".  She laughs a little. "Emma you're being silly. I already told him I wasn't available".  I walk back to the little table in the corner of the kitchen and sit close to Regina. "Babe please. Just listen to me. All he wants is to get laid and then brag about it. Your my girlfriend and I love you. Please don't fall for his shit".  "You two have history don't you?"   "Yes we do, but I'm not saying this out of jealousy. If you decided you didn't want to be with me and you chose him that would totally break my heart but I want you to be happy baby. Always. And if it's not with me then I'll find some way to.....". I cough to clear my throat and try to stop the tears from falling. "I'll try to find a way to move on. I just hope the next person your with treats you right and loves you the way you deserve".  And that was it. The tears fell whether I wanted them to or not. Regina leaps up and into my lap and holds me tight. "I'm sorry my love. It's obvious this means a lot to you. I promise I will watch out for Robin". I nod my head into her shoulder. I take a few minutes to calm down and pull back to look at her. "I'm sorry babe. I don't mean to get all sappy".  "Oh my love. It's fine. And I thank you for alerting me about Robin. But there is one thing that I'm wondering about. When we first got together you told me all you wanted was sex from a girl, how is that different from what you just told me about Robin?  I mean. It's kind of the same thing isn't it?"    I was surprised by the question but I was going to answer it honestly. I ask her to move back to her seat as I get up. I grab another soda and take a long drink. "The difference between me and Robin is that when I had sex with a girl she knew going into it that it was just sex. He gives girls false promises about the future and his love for them. I would never do that. Do you think I did that to you?"  She gets up and walks over to me. She puts her hand on my face to make me look at her. "No Emma. I don't think you did that to me. You told me everything right from the start about your past and I never once felt any kind of pressure from you". She gives me a kiss that turns a little passionate. I pull her close to me then walk us up to the nearest counter.

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