Chapter 27

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A/N.  Sorry for the long wait. I've been having some writers block lately. I don't want to drag this story out and I'm not really sure where to go with it now. Thanks for waiting. 💕❤️

I wake up the next morning and I'm alone in bed. I look at the clock and it's almost 9:30am. Regina's probably downstairs having her coffee. I lay in bed for a few more minutes. My head hurts a bit. Well it's actually my face that hurts and I can tell my eye is swollen. Plus my hands are aching. I pull the sheet off me and swing my legs off the bed and sit up. I look over at my nightstand and see a bottle of aspirin and a bottle of water and it makes me smile. I take 3 pills and drink most of the water then I go into the bathroom and do my morning routine. When I'm done I head downstairs. I find Regina in the kitchen with Ruby and Dorothy. All 3 are are making breakfast together. I stand and smile for a brief moment then I walk over and wrap my arms around Regina's waist and kiss her cheek. I startle her a bit  but she's smiling. "Good morning my love. How are you feeling?"  I shrug and say. "I'm ok. You should have woken me up. I would have helped you all make breakfast".   "It's ok dear. I wanted you to get your rest after last night".   I move away from her a little and look at all 3 of them. "Yeah about that. I want to apologize to all of you for my actions last night. While I'm not sorry for what I did, I am sorry that all of you may be affected by my actions. I let my anger and my hatred for this.... person get the better of me and for that I'm ashamed and very sorry".  Ruby was the first to walk over to me, followed by Dorothy. "Ems we all know why you did what you did and even though I was scared for you I probably would have done the same thing". She hugs me. Dorothy just hugs me and tells me that she's happy I'm ok then they both go back to cooking. It's now Regina's turn and she leans in to kiss me. "My love. There is nothing to apologize for and I love you no matter what. I'm just worried about what Robin may do now, but for now let's just enjoy breakfast with our friends and wait to hear from David ok?"  I kiss her and nod. "Can I help with anything?"   "Yes dear. How about setting the table".  "You got it babe". I kiss her again then I start on my task. We all sat around the table and shared some light conversation as we ate. When we were done we all cleaned up the kitchen and had another cup of coffee together in the living room. "So Ems. When are you and Regina gonna get hitched?"  At that moment I was taking a sip of my coffee and it took all had not to spit it out from the bluntness of Ruby's question. I definitely wasn't expecting that one. They all laughed at me. "Well. Ok. That's a good question Rubes. I'm ready whenever Regina is". I smile and look at her. She smiles back. "So come on you 2. What are you waiting for? You both live in this beautiful house together. Emma it's about time you made an honest woman out of Regina. Just do it already".  "Ok Ruby. Give Emma a break. She had a rough night last night. Give her some time to recover".  "Thank you Dorothy. It's nice to know one of you is on my side".  I said as Ruby stuck her tongue out at me. "Thanks for the question Ruby but Emma and I will decide on a date for us to get married when we are ready".  I smile at Regina and then look at Ruby who rolls her eyes. "Fine. Just make it quick. I need to party more since last night was cut short".  "Wow Rubes. Kind of a low blow there". I said with a smile on my face. Not meaning to make her feel bad. We all laughed but that doesn't last long because my cell phone starts ringing and it's my dad. I answer the call and he tells me what's going on. Regina is holding my hand as I'm listening. "Ok dad thanks for calling". I end the call and they are all staring at me. "Emma dear. What did he say?"  My precious fiancé asks in a sweet voice. "Well, he told me that Locksley won't be bringing charges against me and neither will The Rabbit Hole. I guess all of the statements that my dad and deputies got said that Robin was pushing me to fight him and that he threw the first punch". They all looked around at each other in amazement. "So what happens now dear?"   "Well babe dad said I'm suspended with pay for 2 weeks and after that I can come back to work".  Regina kisses and hugs me.  "That's so wonderful my love. I'm so happy".  We kiss once more and then Ruby clears her throat and we separate. Regina blushes and says. "Sorry".  We all let out a little chuckle and Dorothy says. "We are happy for you Emma but I think it's time Ruby and I head off home".   "Yeah Ems. Maybe while you are on suspension you and Regina can come up with a wedding date?"  She says with at laugh.  "Hahaha Rubes. Bye you 2". I get up from my chair as a signal that they should take their leave now and they also stand up. They gather their things and then we all say our goodbyes and they leave. I'm totally exhausted and I know Regina is as well so we head up to our bedroom and get in bed to take a nap.

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