Chapter 3

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I pull up in front of a huge white house. "Holy shit. What is this the governors mansion?"  I walk up the path to the front door. I take a deep breath and knock. Regina opens the door and she looks hot. Her dark hair is perfectly styled with sunglasses resting on the top of her head. A form fitting black sleeveless t-shirt. Nice blue jeans and black leather ankle boots. She waves a hand in front of my face bringing me back. "You feeling ok Emma?"   "Me? Oh yeah. I'm good. Sorry. You look really nice". She gives me a little chuckle. "Thank you. You look nice as well. Are you ready to go?"  "I'm ready if you are".  She nods and closes the door to her house. I start walking us towards my car but she slows a bit. "Do you mind if we take my car?"  She asks pointing over to the black Mercedes. "Why do you want to take your car? Because it's nicer than mine."   "No. Not at all. I have a really good stereo and all my music is in there".  "Can't you take the music to my car?"  "No. It's all been imported into the system. Come on it won't be so bad".  "Regina can I be honest with you?"  "Yes. Of course".  "I tend to get bad anxiety if someone else drives. Please can we take my car". I think she can see the truth in my eyes. "Let's compromise. We take my car but you drive. That way I get my music and you get to drive?"  "Really?"  "Yup". She hands me the keys and walks to her car. The car is just as gorgeous as she is. I get in and adjust the seats and mirrors. I start the engine and it purrs like a kitten. She starts the music and I pull out of the driveway and head towards the highway. "Regina this car is friggin awesome. Thanks for letting me drive it".  "Your welcome. I'm glad you like it". It takes about 30 minutes to get to the beach and we listen to music while I drive.  I find a great parking spot right next to the pizza stand. We get out of the car and I push the button to make sure the doors get locked. I feed the meter a few quarters and we are all set for a while. "Wanna get some pizza now?" I ask. "Yes please. I'm starving".  "Me too. Ok so Christie's, Tripoli's or what ever that place is over there?"  "Definitely Christie's". I give her a big smile. "Damn girl you just keep getting better every minute". We both order 2 slices and a soda. She argued with me to let her pay but I wouldn't let her. We get our pizza and walked over to a bench and sat facing the ocean.  "It's really nice here Emma. Is it always this quiet though? It is summer time".  "Sometimes it's quiet. It's just the beginning of June. Around the 4th of July it gets busy. Most kids like to hang out at the beach a few miles up the road. It's just over the state line. I think it's to crowded. I don't like big crowds".  "I understand. I'm the same way. This is much better". I look at her and smile and she smiles back. When we finished our pizza we walked around a bit and talked. It's really nice getting to know her. "How about playing a few games?"  I asked standing in front an arcade. "Oh no. I don't think so. I'm not much of a gamer".  "Come on, just a little pinball or Pac-Man. Everyone's played Pac-Man".  "I don't know, I'm not very good".  "So what. It's just a few quarters. Let's go". I grab onto her hand and pull her into the arcade. We're still holding hands as we walk around looking at the games. "How about we start with a game of skee ball?"  I ask pointing to the row of games against the wall. "I don't know how. I've never played it".  "Well. Then it's time to learn". I smile at her and we walk over. I put a quarter into the game and the balls are released from the little tunnel. I pick one up and explain that you have to roll it up the path and try to get it numbered holes. The higher holes are more points. Then I showed her by rolling the ball and getting it in the second hole for 20 points. "See it's easy enough. Your turn". I take another ball out and hand it to her. She tries to hand it back to me. "You play this one and I'll just watch".  "Nope. It's your turn. We'll play this one together. Go ahead, take your shot".  She leans in a bit and slowly rolls the ball. It doesn't make it past the bump and comes rolling back at us. I want to laugh, but I can't. She's never done this before so I'll help her out. I catch the ball before it hits the floor and put it back in her hands. "It's ok, we'll do this together". I stand behind her. God she smells so good. I put my left hand on her waist while I hold on to the back of her right hand in mine. "When I say let go, let it go". She looks very deep into my eyes and nods. I pull back our arms then move them forward. When we reach the right spot I say let go and the ball rolls up into the 30 point hole. "Oh my god. I did it". She's so excited she's practically jumping up and down. I give her a big smile. "I knew you could do it Regina. Here try one by yourself". I pick up another ball and hand it to her. She rolls it up the path and gets 10 points. She turns around quickly and hugs me. "Thank you Emma. I think I love this game". She says with a laugh. "I'm glad you like it. Go again".  "It's your turn".  "I know, but I want you to keep having fun. I love the way you smile". She blushes a little. "Well since you put it that way". I hand her the ball and she goes again. She's actually doing really well. At the end of the game she sees the tickets come out. "What are those for?"   "You can cash those in for prizes".  "We have 5 tickets. What can we get for that?"   "Well, that will probably get you an eraser or something". I say and we both laugh. "I know it's not much, but people sometimes save the tickets for months and try to win as many as they can. The more tickets the bigger the prize. One time I had a foster sister that got a nice radio".  "Wow. She must have had a lot of tickets.  Can we play a few more games?"  "Sure".  "Maybe I can win a pencil to go with the eraser". I laugh and she gives me a cute smile. I put a quarter in the game again and I also put one in the game right next to it so we both could win some tickets. We hadn't realized it, but we actually spent like 2 hours playing skee ball and got a good amount of tickets. We took all the tickets to the prize counter to cash them in. They told us how much we had and Regina looked at the options she had. She was looking at the key chains when a few caught her eye. "Oh. I like these 2. What do you think?" She pointed out one with a tree on it and the other was a swan. A smile came to my face. "What's that look for?"  "It's just funny. My last name is Swan and I've never seen something like before. It's kinda cool".  "Then you should have it. Excuse me sir, could we have this one please". He takes the key chain out of the case and puts it on the counter. "Do we have enough for that one?"  I asked him pointing to the tree one Regina also liked, but we were about 25 tickets short. "Ok, then can we get the tree one instead?"   "No Emma. I want this one for you. Please."  She holds my hand and I can't say no. "Ok, but we are coming back here to win more tickets".  She smiles and nods and she takes the key chain and we leave the arcade.  "Regina. It's kinda getting late and we should probably be heading home soon, We both have work in the morning but how about splitting a fried dough before we leave?"  "I'd really like that Emma".  There is a fried dough stand right next to the car so we order it there. We eat it in the car then I drive us back to her house. I pull into the driveway and turn off the engine. "Thank you Emma. I really had a wonderful time".  "So did I Regina. So I'm just gonna jump right in and ask and if you say no thats cool. I'll understand, but would you like to do this again sometime as like a date maybe?"  "A date?"  She looks a little confused. "I'm sorry. I don't mean to assume your gay or something, but I like you and I'd really like to get to know you".  "Oh, no. It's ok, but I had assumed that this was a date when you asked me".  I smiled. "I just didn't want to jump to conclusions. I'm sorry".  "It's ok Emma. And yes. I would love to do something with you really soon". She surprised me by leaning in and kissing me and of course I want to make this progress into something more. I try to pull her onto my lap but she pulls away. "Emma. I'm sorry. We can't do this. We just met yesterday and we are in the driveway of my house, where my parents could come out at any moment".   "Your right. I'm sorry. It's just your lips are so damn kissable. You've must have had lot of practice. I'm a little jealous".  She gives me a kiss. "I haven't had a lot of practice. Almost none in fact".  "What does that mean?"   "I'm a little embarrassed but this is my first date Emma. Ever".  I'm way beyond surprised. "No way. Regina you could have anyone you wanted. Your telling me you you've never been with anyone?" She looks a little shy now. "No Emma. I haven't. Does that change your opinion of me?"   "No Regina. Not at all. May I ask, are you a virgin?  If you don't want to tell me it's ok".  "I'm not ashamed Emma, yes I am. I wanted to waiting for love. People are so quick to jump in bed these days. I'm still young and I want everything life has to offer me".  "Wow. I've never thought of it that way. I respect your decisions. Your a young woman who knows what she wants. So can we do this again?"   "Definitely".  She leans in and kisses me a again, but not like before. We end the kiss and get out of the car and I walk her to the door. "Thanks for tonight Emma. I can't wait to play skee ball again. I'll see you in the morning?"   "Yup. I'm looking forward to it". I hand her the keys and give her a kiss. "Night Regina".  "Goodnight Emma". We kiss quickly once more and I walk away towards my car. "Emma wait. Your key chain".  "That's yours. Your my girl now and I'm your Swan. Keep it babe and think of me when you see it". She nods and we give each other one last wave to end our first date.

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