Chapter 12

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A few weeks later Dr. hopper set us up pretty good. Regina and I only had to attend the classes we needed to take. He arranged for us to have biology class together so that way we could study together which was great. For the time we weren't in school we had to do volunteer work. We didn't mind that. We had to tutor younger kids. We both ended up together in a program at the elementary school with any kid that needed the help. They gave us our own classroom and everything. When we started we only had 3 kids but after a few weeks the teachers saw how much improvement there was in the 3 they sent us that other teachers started sending more kids to us. Regina and I loved it. The joy on those kids faces when they finally could understand what we were trying to teach them was just amazing. Regina and I decided to call Dr. Hopper when more teachers wanted their kids in our tutor class. Of course we want to try and help everyone but we can only give all our attention to so many kids. We told him we wanted no more than 7 and he made sure to pass that along to the principal and the teachers. Over the next few months kids came and went but we always told the kids that we tutored that if they ever needed anything they could call us. It was cute because Regina went out and had little business cards made up for us to give to the kids with our numbers on it. We have gotten a few calls and it's great because it's the parents that call us for help so they can help their kids. One night while Regina and I were on a date I could tell something was off with her. While we were eating our salads I decided to asked her what was wrong. "Babe are you ok? For the last few days you've seemed preoccupied by something".  "I'm ok my love. I think. I've been rethinking my path in life recently". I suddenly feel sick. Oh god please don't let her break up with me. I put my fork down and focus on her words. I feel a lump in my throat. "What have you been thinking about Regina?"  "Well you know how my mother wants me to go into politics. She's been driving that into my head since I was a kid. She wants me to take over as Mayor when she retires but I think I want to do something else. When we are teaching those kids I absolutely love it. I think I'd like to actually be something like a special education teacher. The hard part is how to tell my mother".  "So the new path you are thinking about is teaching?"   "Yes. What do you think?"  I sit back in my chair and let out a deep breath. I've never been so relieved in my life. "Emma sweetheart what's wrong?"   "I'm sorry babe. You know how messed up my mind is sometimes. When you said you were rethinking your path in life, I of course thought the worst and I thought that you didn't want to be with me anymore. I'm so sorry".  "Oh Emma. No I'm sorry. I worded everything wrong. It's not really my path in life, it's more like my career path. I'm sorry my love. I promise the only change I feel towards you is that I love you more and more every day".  "Thank you babe. I'm ok. Thank god you cleared that up because I feel exactly the same way towards you". I lean over and so does she and we kiss. The waiter brought over our dinners and while we ate we talked about Regina's college plans. After dinner I drove us back to Regina's house and we both walked in together. Her parents were sitting in the living room watching a movie. "Daddy, mother. May I speak with you both please?"  Her father shuts off the tv and they turn their focus on us. We sit on the couch across from them and Regina grabs hold of my hand. "Mother I'm not sure your going to like what I have to say. I've been doing some thinking recently regarding my future. Since Emma and I have been tutoring these young children I've really enjoyed helping them learn. So that's why I've decided that's what I'd would like to do for a living. Even though you've pretty much been prepping me my whole life to follow in your footsteps I've decided that I'd like to pursue a career in education, mainly special education. I'm sorry if that disappoints you mother".   "Of course I would like you to follow I'm my footsteps Regina. A parent always wants what's best for their child but if this is something you truly feel is right for you then your father and  I will support you in every way we can". Regina grips my hand tighter. "Mother do you really mean that?"   "Of course dear. As long as this is what you really want".  Regina leaps up from the couch and hugs her mother then her father. I just sit there and smile. "Emma have you changed your mind on your future career as well?"  Regina's father asked me when Regina sat back down next to me. "No. I'd still like to pursue law enforcement. I have had a great time with Regina helping those kids and I wouldn't mind helping more in the future but I believe being a police officer is my calling".  "That's wonderful Emma". Cora says to me and Henry has a big smile on his face. "Well it's getting late and we have class first thing in the morning, so I should be getting home". I stand and say goodnight to Cora and Henry. "I'll walk you to the door my love". Regina stands and we hold hands as we walk to the door. "Goodnight babe".  "Goodnight my love. I'll see you in the morning" I nod and we kiss and I head home.
The next morning we have our biology class together and after that I have my English class. After biology Regina walked me to my class and said she was going to the cafeteria for something to eat and to get things ready for when we go over to the elementary school. I gave her a kiss and watched her walk off. This English creative writing class seemed to last forever. When it was finally over I packed up my things and headed over to the cafeteria to meet Regina. When I walk in I see her sitting at a table talking to someone. I'm not sure who it is just yet till I get closer and of course it's Locksley. Son of a bitch. I walked quickly over to the table. "You lost Locksley?"   "Hey Swan. I was just talking with Regina here. I haven't seen her in a while. Seems like you've been hiding her from everyone".   "We're not hiding, we just have better things to do than put up with you. Regina you ready? We should get going".  "Yes dear". She starts packing away her things when Robin turns to me and says. "Why you running off so quickly Swan, you afraid of a little competition for a beautiful woman?"  "Lay one hand on her Locksley and I'll break it".  I'm pretty much seething at this point. I hate this guy so much. "Emma please calm down". Regina says as she grabs my hand.  "Goodbye Robin". She says then we walk off with no more words said. The ride over  to the elementary school very quiet. I was so pissed off and Regina knows better than to push me before I'm ready. I pull into the parking lot and find a spot close to the building. We gather our things and walk towards the school holding hands. Before I can open the door Regina stops me. "Emma sweetheart. I know you are still upset and I'm not trying to push you but I would just like you to take a deep breath before we go into this building and have a classroom full of children. Ok, please?"  I nod and close my eyes. I take a few breaths in and out then a deep breath and let that out. "Ok babe. I'm ready". She gives me a kiss and I open the door for her and we both walk in and head over to our class. As the afternoon goes on Regina and I help all the kids. A few of them are in the same class so it's easier to gather them into a group and help them all at once. Regina always takes the biggest group. I'm better with either one on one or just a few kids. As I'm helping one kid out with his math I look over at Regina and for the first time since I saw her sitting with Robin I smiled. The way she takes control of the kids she teaching is amazing. All eyes are on her. She's so great with them and I just really love her in this moment. What has this woman done to me?  The kids school day ends and we dismiss the kids back to their regular classes to get their things to go home. As Regina and I are cleaning up our classroom I say to her. "Regina. I love you. I know I've said that so many times but it's the absolute truth babe. I've never felt for anyone what I feel for you". She stops what she's doing and looks at me. "Oh Emma I love you so much as well sweetheart. Let's clean up and get out of here so we can spend time together. Just you and me". I nod and finish what we are doing. We pack up and leave the school hand in hand like always.
We go back to Regina's and her house is empty. Her parents are gone for a week to Paris on an anniversary getaway. Regina and I go up to her room and take a nice relaxing shower together. When we were done we went downstairs and checked out what there was to eat in the kitchen. Neither one of us felt like cooking so we ordered some Chinese food. I've been craving it since the last time Regina's parents got it. We had a great night of eating and movies and just being with each other. When we decided to call it a night we cleaned up the living room and made sure everything was locked up, then we went upstairs to Regina's bedroom. We laid in bed and watched some tv. "Emma do you want to talk about the Robin thing earlier?"  I let out a sigh and look at her. "Regina You already know I hate him and to walk into the lunch room and see him sitting with you just pissed me off. I wasn't mad at you. I was pissed at him".  "You don't have to worry my love. I have no interest in him at all. My heart will always be with you". She gives me a kiss. "I know and thank you babe. I'm just glad you were in a public area with him so he couldn't start anything". She kisses me again. "So are we ok my love?"  "Regina we are better than ok baby". We snuggle into each other and end up falling asleep with the tv on.

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