Chapter 20

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I come walking out of the bathroom after brushing my hair and I look at my soon to be wife. I'm staring at her for a good minute. She's looking in the mirror putting in her earrings. When she finally noticed me staring she blushes and asks. What are you looking at dear?"  "You babe. You are absolutely gorgeous". She's wearing a black dress that is one of my favorites on her. It hugs her body in all the right places and shows just the right amount of cleavage to turn me on with just one look. I walk up behind her and kiss the side of her neck. "Maybe we should call Ruby and tell her I'm sick and that we can't make it".  She lets out a cute laugh. "No Emma we are going out with our friends and we are going to have a wonderful time".  "Come on babe. We could have such a good time here right here in this room". She turns around in my arms and kisses my lips. "My love that sounds so wonderful but we are going out. We haven't seen Ruby and Dorothy in so long. Plus we deserve a nice night out together.  I'm yours tomorrow all day and night my love. Now get your boots on and let's get going. We have to meet them in 20 minutes". She walks away from me and I stand there with my pouty face. She rolls her eyes. "Emma. Boots. Now".  I let out a sigh and do as I'm told. "Fine Gina. We can go out but don't get mad at me if I get jealous because someone is standing to close to you". She laughs and says. "Let's go my dear". I finish tying my boots and follow Regina downstairs and the car we ordered was already there. We know we will be drinking and we don't want to drive. We get in the car and we are driven over to this new club on the other side of town called Boomers. It's a restaurant/bar that has entertainment on the weekends. Tonight is Saturday and they have a DJ.  We walk in and it's a pretty big place. Seems a little quiet but it's still early. We go over to the hostess desk and tell her we are meeting some friends and she thinks she knows who we are looking for. She asks if are meeting someone named Ruby and we says yes. She tells us they just got here and shows us to the table. We thanked her and then we hug Ruby and Dorothy and sit down with them at the table. We talked about the old times when we were in high school and when we worked at Granny's together and then talked about the house that we will be moving into and they asked us when we were planning on getting married. "With everything going on right now Regina and I haven't even talked about it. We've only been back in town for a little over a month now and we just started our jobs".  "Come on Ems something like this is important".  "I know that Ruby but I really think we need to deal with one thing at a time, that doesn't mean I don't have a few ideas".   "You do?"  Regina asked and I looked at her and she seems surprised. "Of course babe. I even have an idea for where the ceremony should be but I don't think it'll work".  "What's your idea sweetheart?"  All eyes are on me as I shyly say. "Well it was just an idea and we don't have to do it because I don't think we can anyway. I thought maybe getting married at Granny's Diner where we first met. I've pictured you walking in from the B&B side side of the diner with your dad walking you down a special isle that was made for us. Anyway it was just an idea. I don't think Granny will close for a day and I definitely don't think your parents would like such a simple wedding for their only little girl".  I look at Regina and her eyes are all watery. "Emma are you stupid? Granny would totally close down for something like this. I know my grandmother. She's a sucker for love stories. Did you all know she watches lifetime movies?"  Dorothy slaps Ruby in the arm. "Be nice".   She says. "Let's just change the subject. Regina and I will start planning our wedding when we are ready". Thankfully Dorothy picked up on my need to really want to change the subject and she started to tell us about her and Ruby's vacation to New Orleans. It sounded like a lot of fun. They said they wanted to go back again next year and said Regina and I should come along. If we are able to, we will think about going. When we finished dinner we paid the tab. Our waitress Karen was really great. So we made sure to give her and extra great tip. When we went over to the bar side of the place, we sat at a table near the dance floor. Our waitress Karen from dinner was also the cocktail waitress in the bar tonight and she took our table. We got a round of tequila shots and drinks and she brought them right away. The DJ was good. He played a mix of everything. 70s,80s,90s plus all of the recent songs and he played a bunch of Spanish stuff that Regina really enjoyed. It was such a turn on watching her dance to her music with Ruby and Dorothy. I got up and went to the bar to get her a cup of water because I know she'll want one when she's done dancing. When I get back to the table I look around the dance floor I can't see my fiancé. I think maybe she went to the bathroom so I'm not really that worried. Till a minute later when I spot her talking to Robin from our high school days. "What the fuck?"  Dorothy and Ruby sit down and ask what's wrong. "Why is that fucker Robin talking to Regina, Where were you two?"  "We went to the bathroom Ems. Relax. Regina would never pick that jerk over you". I see Regina and Robin both laugh at something and I get up quickly and walk over. "Ready for another drink babe?"   "Actually Swan I just bought this beautiful lady a drink. So thanks anyway".  I take Regina's drink out of her hand and put it on the table. "She doesn't need anything from you Locksley so leave her alone. She's here with me". He laughs at me. "Always on the defense Swan?"  "Go away Robin".  "Ok you two that's enough. It's nice to see you Robin. Have a nice night". She takes my hand and I walk us back to the table. "Did you drink any of the drink he gave you?"  "Oh Emma stop".  "No Regina. I won't stop. You don't know that asshole like I do. I know for a fact he's put stuff in girls drinks before and I won't let you to become a victim of his".  "Do you realize how ridiculous you sound right now?"  I close my eyes and take a deep breath. "Ok babe I'm sorry. Please let's just sit down and enjoy the music with our friends ok?"   "Fine". She walks past me and sits on the stool. About an hour later things started to go back to normal.  I held off as long as I could but eventually I had to pee. I excused myself to go to the bathroom and when I got back who was sitting in my seat?  Yup. Fuckin' Robin Locksley. I walk over and tap him on the shoulder. "Your I'm my seat".   "Chill out Swan. It's just a peace offering".   "None of us want anything from you. So take your shit and leave before I make you leave". He laughs at me but I try to remain calm. Just by chance I happen to know one of the bouncers working tonight and he's walking by me.  "Hey Ryan. This guy here is bothering us and I've asked him to leave us alone. Would you please escort him away before I make him go away".  "Sure Emma. No problem. Let's go pal".   "What? No way. No one else here has a problem with me but her. I just brought over drinks as a peace offering".  "Yeah sure you did. Which ones have the roofie's in them?"  I asked pissing him off and he punched me. Ryan separates us. "What's wrong Locksley, don't want everyone to know that's how you raped a girl in high school?"  He leaps over and punches me right in the face again and the other bouncers come running over. I wanted to retaliate but I didn't. I'm so pissed but I wanted to let everyone see him for who he was, especially Regina. Two guys hold Robin and escorted him to the door. They checked to make sure his tab was all payed and it was. They made him leave and watched him drive away. Regina asked for the tab from our waitress and paid it and I'm sure she left a good tip. Regina and I said goodbye to Ruby and Dorothy. I also apologized for how the night ended. Regina and I got in the car and we went home. Regina didn't even wait for the driver to open the door for us. As soon as the car stopped, she got out and went into the house. I tipped the driver and said thank you and then I went in. When I closed the door and locked it I heard a door slam.  "Fuck". I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a beer then went into Henry's office and poured a glass of apple cider for my shot. I downed the shot and drank most of he beer in one good gulp. I took a deep breath and finished the beer. I did one one more cider then I went up to our bedroom. Regina was just about to get into bed. "No Emma. Go sleep in another room tonight".  "What, why, what the fuck did I do wrong?  I put that asshole in his place. He's the one that punched me. Why are you so mad at me?"   "Emma you egged him on".  "I asked him to leave us alone first and he didn't".  "He bought us drinks to apologize".   "Did you not hear me say that he raped a girl in high school. He fucking roofied her Regina. I wasn't going to let you, Ruby or Dorothy drink those. I was just looking out for you. Why are you fighting me on this?  I was trying to do what was best".   "No Emma. You were trying to control me and that's not what I want in a relationship. You've been my first and only love but with the way you acted tonight I'm starting to question everything Emma".  "What?"  I ask in a shocked tone. "Emma maybe we are moving to fast. We got engaged, now moving into a big house. We just started our jobs. Do we really know if we are ready for all this yet? Especially marriage?"   I can't believe what I'm hearing right now. "Regina what does this mean?"  "It means you sleep in the guest bedroom tonight Emma".  "What?  No fucking way Regina. I love you, and I know you love me. I'm not going to let you give up on us. We are going to go to bed like we always do and when we wake up we will talk through everything".  "See your trying to control me again. Maybe Robin was right about you".  "What, what did he say?"   "He told me how you always held a short leash on your girlfriends and that you even smacked a few of them around".  I just laughed. "And you believed all that right?  Because in the 6 years we've been together I've always controlled you. I told you right from the beginning that I didn't do relationships but I wanted to try with you. So how did I actually control you?  When we started to live together I kept you home to be my what? Sex slave perhaps?  Wow Regina. I've never felt so awful about myself as I do right now. Thank you for that". I'm crying now. "I've always tried to treat you with nothing but respect and you throw it right back in my face. I've told you all about me. You know I've been beaten and I've been raped, I've been left starving in a closet till my foster parents decided to feed me and you tell me that I'm so controlling over you. Ok. Thank you for that too. I think your right. Maybe we do need some time apart". I go to our closet and get a bag and start putting some of my clothes in it. I grab my laptop and my phone charger and put it in the bag. "Emma. Wait. I'm sorry".  I turn around before I leave the room and look her right in the eyes. "Yeah Regina. I'm sorry too". I open the door and rush downstairs and out the door. I get into my car and drive. I end up in the library parking lot. I sit and cry for a while then I put the seat back and try to get some sleep. Good thing I don't have to work tomorrow.

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