Chapter Eight - Love and Lies

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“Chocolate chip, duh” Harry said trying to act natural.

“What,” Niall said as he looked around at all the faces staring back at him.

“Nothing Niall,” Louis said.

“Let’s make some music,” Liam said changing the subject and pulling out some song sheets.


‘How can a place always be so hot,’ Amee asked herself as she pulled her long hair into a messy bun and sat outside fanning herself. The house was overlooking the beach and the sun was setting over the horizon. It would have been a beautiful sight, if it wasn’t so damn hot.

“There you are,” came a voice from behind that belonged to Gemma.

“Hey, I have your dress upstairs, thank you for that, you really are a life saver,” Amee said with a smile.

“Oh don’t worry about it hunny,” Gemma said as she relaxed in the chair next to Amee.

Amee smiled at her kindness and moved her feet over so Gemma could kick up her feet too.

“So, my friends say that I am really good at reading faces and emotions,” Gemma stated.

“Oh really, what does my face say about me,” Amee challenged.

“That you are a kind, generous person, and you left someone back home,” Gemma said.

Amee laughed and said, “Well, there is this one boy.”

“Oh yay, the juicy stuff,” Gemma squealed, rubbed her hands together and sat up right.

“I think he might of friend zoned me though,” Amee said looking towards the ground.

“You, a guy would actually friend zone, you,” Gemma said. Amee nodded an looked towards the ground sheepishly.

“Who is this boy who clearly has no eyes,” Gemma asked.

“Just a boy,” Amee said, not wanting to admit anything.

“Woman, you wore my dress, I would like to know who you want to impress,” Gemma said.

“Oh you just rhymed,” Amee said and they both broke down into a fit of giggles. That was the beginning of a string of long conversations. Savan came in around dinner time, and joined them with a plate of food. Later they started to play charades, and there was the kiddish side of Savan showing up, the side that reminded her so much of Olly. ‘Olly!’ Amee thought instantly. Amee was having so much fun that she didn’t remember her dad or brother once.

“Hey I’m going to head upstairs for bed, you know jetlag,” Amee said as she faked a yawn and stretched out her arms. She grabbed her cell phone and ran upstairs to her private bedroom.

“Hey Jamie,” she said when her dad’s receptionist finally answered the phone.

“Hey Amee, you called right on time, your dad just saw his last patient,” she replied cheerfully.

“Oh yay, lucky me,” Amee said, secretly hoping that her dad, was busy so that she could blame him for them not talking in a while.

“Hey princess, aren’t you tired?” He asked confused at the time difference.

“What, Why would I be tired,” Amee asked checking her clock that it was only seven in Trinidad.

“Well it is eleven o’clock there isn’t it,” He asked.

‘Oh crap, there is a time zone difference between here and London,’ Amee thought.

“Oh my god, its eleven already,” Amee faked surprise.

“Yes, it is sweetheart,” Jerry responded.

“Oh wow, dad I have modern medicine bright and early at 8 am, I still haven’t even started the homework yet,” Amee said and faked another yawn.

“Okay well you go back to your studies, we will talk later then,” Jerry said.

“Okay daddy,” Amee said.

“Amee, one more thing, I want you to know that I am very proud of you,” Jerry said.

“Th-thanks dad,” Amee said when her heart dropped.

“Bye sweetheart,” He said before he hung up. Amee threw her phone against her bed, then her body, and tried to think of something else. ‘Think about the song for tomorrow,’ Amee forced herself, so that she wouldn’t feel like a bad daughter. When it all the forcing failed, she did something else, called Olly, which went straight to voicemail.

“Hey,” came a voice from behind her after what seemed like an hour.

“Hey,” She said back, looking at the face at the door.

“You okay,” Savan asked.

“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be, it’s not like I am lying to my parents about what dream I am following,” Amee said as she buried her face into her pillow.

“Well why don’t we look at it this way,” Savan said coming closer and sitting on the edge of her bed.

“What way Savan, anyway I look at it, I am lying to them. They are going to find out, I know they are and then, my dad will come, pull me out of the competition, take me back to Chicago, and lock me up till the end of eternity. He is never going to trust me again Savan. I just…” Amee said when Savan interrupted her.

“Hey, hey, hey, stop,” Savan hugged her to calm her down.

“First of all, you might be right” He agreed with Amee, who looked back at him, tears threatening to run down her face. “When you win, and then I suppose you will tell your parents about it and they will probably ground you for a little bit, but they won’t take the life away from you. You did lie to them after all. However, you are forgetting a little fact, when you win, you have officially proved to them that you can make it in this business,” Savan stated. Amee looked at Savan and pulled him into a hug.

“Thank you, Savan” she said into his shoulder.

“Anytime kid,” He said patting her head.

“You going to be okay,” Savan asked her hesitantly pulling away.

“Yes I will be fine,” Amee responded with a small smile.

“Good because tomorrow is a big day,” Savan reminded her as he got off her bed and walked out of the room.

“Savan,” Amee called.

“Yeah,” Savan responded looking through the doorway.

“Do you really think I can do it,” Amee asked for what would be the last time in the competition.

“Kid, I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t you could,” Savan responded and walked away.

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