For the better

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spinel walked though the Forest she now called home, it was a dark and secluded place, to others it was a winding maze but to her it like the back of her hand and she knew it well.

   It had been over a year since the pink gem had tried to destroy the place she now inhabited, she had passed up a life with Steven and the others, choosing to run instead and stay on her own and fix herself, Steven was right ,only she could change herself and how she felt.

Spinel opened the door to the run down cabin she called home, she stumbled apon a deserted cabin over run with foliage it ran on an old generator and was obviously ment to be hidden, and now it was her home it wasn't too bad alittle drafty but the fireplace did well to keep her warm , she of course did some repairs her ability to stretch helped with the process, and now she was comfortable with her living situation.

She sat back on her creaky bed looking at the ceiling lost in thought, she had done alot of that in the past year, pain and depression still crippled her mentally and physically but she learned to ignore it and hide it very well.

The pink gem had got up and rummaged though her cabinets for a snack, she grabbed a back of chaps and sat on the couch in front of her tiny tube tv, Spinel had taken up reading but quicky read everything in the cabin, she would need to go out to the beach city library if she wanted more but she wasn't ready to go back to beach city, maybe it was because she ran without explanation or goodbye or maybe it was because she was scared she would run into a certain hybrid with that thought spinel was knocked out of her seat and onto the floor with a thud.

She smiled  seeing  none other than her best friend Charoite.



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This is how Spinel looks after reforming , sorry for the bad drawings

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This is how Spinel looks after reforming , sorry for the bad drawings.

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